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TSBehera (n/a)     07 April 2008

Superceeding of SC/ST executives in promotion in Central PSU

In a case, some executives in SC/ST category have superceeded their counterparts recruited with them as well as their seniors maintained in siniority list of a Central Public Sector Undertaking , who are but poor general candidates with more apt and ability of course.It appals and distubs them as these SC/ST fellows getting faster promotions definitely one day shall sit above them as their bosses and command them and write their Appraisal Reports,who were in fact once upon a time  were their juniors receiving directions from them..They slugging in their career because of this.

Is ,this type of promotion is constitutionally valid ,in view of genuine aspirations of those General Category executives?If definitely  no what are the remedies available to them?

Is there any SC Cases /decisions with restrain for such anomaly in promotion that creates great dis- satifaction in their career for those helpless Gen.Category officers.May be for Central Govt Officers or PSU executives.


 2 Replies

david vijaykumar (govt. servie)     18 May 2008

Rules of Dept. of Personnel do provide for such contingencies. The reservation to posts were meant to bring adequate representatiion in service by the SC/ST communities. First of all, the general category officers themselves do not allow the junior SC/ST to supercede them by framing them in false charges using all sorts of fraudulent means and even if some cases escape they do so due to corrupt practices of general categories and they themselves should be blamed. Please try to get statistics department/ministry-wise SC/ST/OBC/Minority officers/staff who are under major penalty charge sheets and for how many long years. Statistics, if at all fair, would certainly prove. One need not afraid of SC/ST guys. Let us come out of our mental frame as we had seen these SC/ST guys work in our houses, farms, feeding cattles, etc.

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     19 November 2011

Many persons have challanged SC/ST reservation.  It is held as consitutition even by Supreme Court. Althoug they have no right to demand reservation but Govt if giving reservation cannot be illegal or unconsitutiional.  Your query is vague.  if there is specific injustice or undue favour of any SC/ST employees beyong the stipulated rules. You could challange. Otherise ther eis no remady 

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