To file my SLP in Supreme Court; I was provided a lawyer by the Court;s free aid service committee. Such panel Lawyers are paid by the committee when the litigation ends.
But my free lawyer Mr K.P.Mavi was badly reluctant ; he did not take any interest in the case filing; he refused to discuss the case strategy with me , & to take my important instructions in the matter; He refused to talk to me ,& ordered me to talk through the legal aid committee only; He asked some extra money from me to persue the case properly .
And at last ; he did not file my SLP within the stipulated 30 days period.
Smelling his unethical, anti-professional , dishonest conduct ; after 31 days I requested him to return my case. Mischief Lawyer returned the case ; saying that I harassed him by false allegations.
While in fact; the lawyer harassed me ; as well as caused losses to me by delaying my case beyond the limitation period.
Can such unethical lawyer can be sued i) under IPC 166 etc. ii) under Consumer Protection Act .
iii) some other effective law. Please guide. & also inform why the legal aid committee enrolled such dishonest, unethical, cheaters.