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Rajeev Kumar (Professioanl Social worker)     23 April 2010

suspected unfair practice in entrance examination

my friend appeared in a entrance exams for PhD course. there was multiple choice questions. there was minus 0.5 marks for each wrong answer.


in the OMR sheet ,  candidates were supposed to mark correct  answer by putting  cross by blue ball point pen.

instruction was given that if any candidate mark any  worng answer, he/she could have change his/her answer by marking crossing on worng answer by red pen and mark another answer by blue ball point pen.


later some corruption was suspected on final result of entrance exam.


two points emerged from above stated entrance exams;


1. in other exams like UGC NET and IIT -JEE etc. , there is only 0.25 negative marks on wrong answer, while in this exam, there was 0.50 negative marks. the question emerged , who decides the that how much marks should be deduct for wrong answer?  why there is not same negative marking pattern for all entrance .


2. it was possibility that answers marked in OMR sheet could have been changed later after finishing of exam.  becuase any of authority could have changed the answer by red pen and tamper the answering of  any candidate. becuase answers were not hand written.

 whether that entrance exams can be challenged?

who decides the pattern of entrance examination

whether university/ institute can frame thier rules of entrance exams , that are different from existing practice?

please guide me






 3 Replies

nt (dy)     28 June 2010

i agree with u.

kindly read my comments on competition exam in INdia and unilaterilism.

nt (dy)     28 June 2010


i want to say system of competition has to tranparent.

it needs changes.

simply in computerized exams where OMR sheet is to be ticked and no copy of it is given to candidate and merely writing in prospectus that OMR sheet will not be given leads to frustation to students. one has to believe there is wide spread corruption.

i have during the past done lot of efforts to know where hte possible corruption is there

even i have down loaded complete results of competition and found that some of the ranks are in between missing

there is all level of bungling in exams

and i suspect it is my guess only that whole nexus of few Indian A officers is trying to Hijack the complete sysytem of GOI and India.  one can checkup the presence in all departments. given me opportunity i can prove.

the dissolution of MCI is biggest example. MCI alone is not responsible for giving recignition.

i like peple to come forward and furthur things i will reveal how results are modified. thos whose wards or who themselves have sufferd pl repy so that we can plan action





Rajeev Kumar (Professioanl Social worker)     28 June 2010

thanks for reply.

at least you shared your suffering. I appreciate your efforts you did.  I need your guidnace.

whether there is some legal remedy available for that? in what way RTI can help in this way. are  there any CIC decisions related to that?

please suggest solution



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