Recently many sting operations have been launched in which the woman TV reporter or decoy/ dummy were standing in one side of road/ commercial places in "differnet" dresses and people and passerby oogling on her. The TV sting operations highlights the attitude of one section of society in very negative way while it has clearly seen from the motive of the "individusl" standing on the one side to caught the ooglism caused by other section of society
This yhey wanna to prove that 50% of the population living in the society is uncultured
This was also seen that in famous TV channel in which sting operation was done on Shakti Kapoor and therafter they also involved Aman Verma the famous anchor. This also attracts unwanted criticism by levying marks on the celebrities. Thereafter salaman kahan, snajay Dutt and other celebrities made theri union and has protested openly and had come up to the support of the actor Aman Verma
Such kind of projecting that 50 % of population living in metros are uncivilised is totally wrong