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SP Singhss (Engineer)     01 July 2016

Tax evasion petition

I have made a Tax Evasion petition (TEP) against my sasur in the income tax deptt because her daughter had alleged on oath against Hon'ble MM that her parents had spent 20 lakhs in her marriage. I have made complaints/ TEP to the IT deptt way back in 2013 and since there of now had been making repeated correspondence/RTI's/complaints to take action against my sasur, but the IT deptt officials are not inititating any action against my inlaws

Please tell me :-

1.) As to what can be done in this regard

2.) Can i institute any case in court alleging TEP officials to take action, if yes please provide me the details as to how ?

3.) CAn anyone quote CIC judgments in which action had been taken wrt TEP

 6 Replies

adv.bharat @ PUNE (Lawyer)     01 July 2016

correspondence/RTI's/complaints  to authority is of no use.

What is ur purpose to file of filing TEP?

G.L.N. Prasad (Retired employee.)     02 July 2016

The authority being exempted organisation is beyond ambit of RTI Act.  May be the dept is vexedd with such TEP from son in laws  as against defnse against such criminal complaints by in laws.  Every TEP has to establish clear evasion with such evidence and not mere admissions by parties.  Concrete proofs are necessary in such cases.   Try to file grievance in their on line portal.

Now what you wish to achieve by this TEP ?  Retaliation to wife and in laws or in larger public interest ?

SP Singhss (Engineer)     05 July 2016

Adv Bharat @ pune

my purpose is that my sasur had amassed great amount of black money and I want to pursue case so that he should be punished by state and heavy penalty should be imposed on him

G.L.N. Prasad (Retired employee.)     06 July 2016

There are several CIC decisions that the progress / result must be informed to the complainantl if sought and if TEP is filed before ITO or Commissioner level.

Please search ITO website as they have uploaded many CIC decisions.  Even yesterday there was a good decision against ITO and they were directed to provide the result of such TEP.

Never mention  personal relationship in TEP, as they may attribute motives, and your role should be as a whistle blower./Informer.

G.L.N. Prasad (Retired employee.)     06 July 2016

This is the latest decision:

File No. CIC/CC/A/2015/001588+004047/BS/10718

01 July 2016--IC Basant Seth...quoting earlier CIC decisions.

Helpless Guy (IT)     12 November 2017

Originally posted by : SP Singhss
I have made a Tax Evasion petition (TEP) against my sasur in the income tax deptt because her daughter had alleged on oath against Hon'ble MM that her parents had spent 20 lakhs in her marriage. I have made complaints/ TEP to the IT deptt way back in 2013 and since there of now had been making repeated correspondence/RTI's/complaints to take action against my sasur, but the IT deptt officials are not inititating any action against my inlaws

Please tell me :-

1.) As to what can be done in this regard

2.) Can i institute any case in court alleging TEP officials to take action, if yes please provide me the details as to how ?

3.) CAn anyone quote CIC judgments in which action had been taken wrt TEP

Dear SP SInghss, did you got success in your TEP ?

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