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Biswa (asst.manager)     22 February 2011

tcs bond


        i have joined tcs on 13th dec 2010 . I have signed an aggrement of Rs 50000 with tcs to work for them for two years. but i have left the company on 4 jan 2011 .now tcs sends me letter to pay  50000 or they will drag me to court. According to the bond Rs  50000 will be collected because tcs will spend the money during traing period of one year. But i have taken training for only 15 days. Still then they have asked me to pay the amount.

sir please tell me what i will do, i am verymuch terrified.

 14 Replies

sreenivas (Legal Advisor, )     24 February 2011

actually it is agreement bond so u have to pay compulsarily or u r surety will be also held responsible 

Ganapathi (PA)     06 March 2012


I also have the same issue with TCS of 50000 bond. I joined on April 2009. Bu I left the company after a couple of months. I did not get mails or calls after that. I joined in Cognizant and working for the past 2 and a half year. Just before a week I got a letter from TCS stating that I need to pay 14000 + 58000 before 15 days.

Please let me know why are they coming back after 2 1/2 years. One more thing as we all know that the one way bond system has been removed from indian law. What action/procedure can I take/follow to avoid this issue except paying the amount. I am not in a situation to pay the entire amount right away. I do not want to get my surity(who has given the security) involved in this.

Please advice. Your words in this regard will really help me.

Thanks in advance.


Extcser (ap)     07 April 2012


I worked in TCS for 16 months. I signed a bond for 24 months. Now After 2.5 yr from the date of resigning, They send me notice from arbitrator to pay 70000(50k bond money + 18 % interest).

i informed the company but did not served notice period.

 I dont have the money as I am unemployed and a dependent gal.

Please advice what should I do.

Ganapathi (PA)     07 April 2012

Can somebody please us?

Rishabh Khare (lawyer)     23 April 2012

once you entered into an agreement with  company to work for 2 years, you have to pay them irrespective of the fact for how much time you have worked with company except the period agreed by you in agreement.

Ganapathi (PA)     30 April 2012



Thanks for your reply. Is there anything we could do with:

Its been more than 2 and a half year since I left the company. After a long time they are coming back and asking me to pay the amount. Can I oppose them something like this with "time"?

I heard Indian govt. has removed the 1way employee bond system. Can that help us in some means?

Your help in this regard will save us. Please help




prabhakaran (Engineer)     13 August 2013

hi i joined tcs on 12-08-2010. I left the tcs on 31-03-2011. Now tcs ask me to pay the bond amount.Kindly let us know Is any other way to avoid the bond payment. I got the notice fron indialaw firmnow. Please advice anyone.

Sheathal (just started)     07 February 2014

I do had the same problem. I joined the same company and left it after 2 months. but i did a formal resignation. Now they ask me to pay the amount. I am not send any legal notice till now. But am  afraid they may do so in the future. So, I just needed to know whether you paid the amount or not. Please reply me

rajani (student)     11 April 2014

has any one you has paid the bond.i am in the same queue .i left tcs a year back after working fo 2 months and left without informing them. and they are still sending me letters and i have to pay the bond. 

Nikhar (ASE)     25 January 2015

Hi I am facing very much the same trouble and request you all to help. After training in tcs I was allocated to a project in which the timings were upto 11 pm but there was no home drop facility and due to security reasons I had to quit. Now they are chasing me with the arbitrator's letter and I am too tensed and not in a position to pay. What shall I do? What will be their next action ? Please any input from your side will be much helpful, thus request all those who've been through the same situation to reply. 

Feel free to contact me personally too, any help will be much appreciated.

arwa   11 May 2015

Hi Nikhar, I am facing same problem. They have send me the arbitrators notice. Please can you guide me what should be done. Can I contact you personally.

Karan   15 July 2015

Has anyone paid the bond amount. ..I had worked in TCS for a year and then resigned. .today I received notice from indianLaw firm to pay 63k...I dint need the experience cerificate...hence dint pay the bond amount. ..but as I have received notice..I m bit worried. ..can anyone suggest me what to do

Surekha   23 March 2016

can anyone share update for this? Is there anyone who paid the money ?

pemsa   20 March 2023

Any updates?

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