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Ashutosh Choubey (Company Secretary)     29 June 2009

TDS on invoice including freight charges

S (the supplier) raised invoice upon P( the purchaser) for an amount that includes price of the goods supplied and the charges that S has to pay to T (the transporter) for transportation of the goods to P. The transportation charges are just recovered by P from S on behalf of T and the transportation bill raised by T on S is also enclosed with the invoice given by S to P.

Should P deduct TDS under contact from the amount given to the S towards payment and reimbursement of freight on behalf of T. In my opinion the tax should be  deducted by P on its payment to T and noy by P. Please reply







 3 Replies

Amit B (AM)     22 July 2009

If Transporters invoice is on the name of purchaser & invoice is attached with suppliers invoice ethen TDS to ber deducted by the P.

ramalingams (finanance manager)     26 September 2009

two issues involved . if  s has claimed  transport charges separately  P has to make tds on S .  P  should not  make tds   on T  .  S  has to make tds on  T bill.  since the T's bill  in the name of  P only  there is no need to make tds  in the name of T by  P

Sankaranarayanan (Advocate)     26 October 2009

it is very simple that , the receiver of  the invoice , it mean that invoice should be in the name of them, those who only detect the tds while paying the amount . btr seperate invoice is maintain one for trasportation and another for goods

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