Can the tenants [In minority] of an apartment get together and form a tenants association despite presence of owners association?
If permitted, what will be the powers and limitations of the tenant association?
Best wishes.
Prakash (Engineer) 29 December 2017
Can the tenants [In minority] of an apartment get together and form a tenants association despite presence of owners association?
If permitted, what will be the powers and limitations of the tenant association?
Best wishes.
Prakash (Engineer) 14 March 2020
The reason for this question is that at some stage, none of the owners will be living and it will be fully occupied by tenants. As no owner [because they do not reside physically in the building] will come forward to become an executive committee member, can the owners association be converted into a general welfare association such that tenants can also hold positions and run the affairs of the apartment?
Best wishes.