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Raj Kumar Makkad (Adv P & H High Court Chandigarh)     09 June 2011

The battle of Kaliyuga has began

Previously, the Congress was able to brazen out scandalous truth through bullying, deceit, lying and political cunning. Now it hopes that by slandering Ramdev and the RSS, it will be able to put a lid on mounting allegations of corruption against the party and the Government The world is a battlefield. All great gurus and avatars have incarnated themselves throughout the ages to help the forces of good, which in India are called 'dharmic', against forces which are inimical to the Evolution of Humanity and which are called 'adharmic', or even asuric. The concept of the asura in India is very different from the West. There is no such thing here as the black and white renderings of American cartoons or the Christian idea of a benevolent god and a cruel devil. Keen observers of human history may have noticed that very often asuric forces take on the face of goodness and charity, or use half truths or semi-lies to appear good. But in the end, the harm they do should make them recognisable to all. In this light, we can discard Mr Digvijay Singh: He incarnates the world of sycophancy, which is a perversion of the Indian bhakti tradition. Or even Mr Kapil Sibal, a more intelligent man, but who got so perverted by a lawyer's mind that lying has become a second nature to him. History will probably judge Mr Manmohan Singh as a weak man, who was ready to close his eyes on everything just to stay in power. But what about Ms Sonia Gandhi? What are the forces which are using her, maybe even in spite of her? Let us discard all those evil avatars attributed to her, such as her being a KGB or a Vatican agent, rumours which has been floating around for a long time. We should not also look at her personality, what she projects, or what people say about her, not even at her deeds. No, it is the visible consequences of her overt and covert actions which should tell us a story. What are the consequences of her being the unelected supreme authority in India since many years, one whose one word or glance can have innocent people teargassed and beaten up? Well the first sign is the increase in terrorist onslaughts since she came to power; the 26/11 terror attacks and the inability of the Government to respond to them — on the spot, and later — are the best symbols of her presence at the top. There has also been a tremendous increase in Christian conversions since she came to power, a radicalisation of Islam in India and a galloping Westernisation, which is fast eradicating Indian culture in cities and major towns. But to my mind, it is the attack on Hindu gurus, which is the most representative sign of her adharmic reign. For in Ms Gandhi's India, Hindu gurus are not only mocked at, but they can also be imprisoned, attacked, killed one day. Nobody would dare touch an imam if he preaches secession, nor even a Christian bishop, but gurus are fair game today. Now Swami Ramdev, who incarnates an old tradition of spirituality in India, of all these gurus who throughout the ages have come to teach and preserve this ancient knowledge which takes the form of hatha-yoga, pranayama, meditation or Ayurveda. Is he perfect? How to judge a guru, who is to grade them? Sri Aurobindo, in one of his aphorisms, said something like this: "Even if god were to manifest himself in front of thy very eyes, you would not recognise him." I am not able to judge Ramdev, but I can say with confidence that what he teaches is good, because it has benefited thousands of people. Why then is he run down so much by the Congress whose leaders have gone as far as calling him a thug? Well it's an old British tradition which has been taken up by the Congress and part of the media. French historian Daniélou summed it up well in his History of India: "The British-controlled Congress utilised to the hilt its English-speaking Press to present the Hindu Mahashaba, which attempted to counterbalance the Muslim League's influence, or the even more maligned Ram Rajya Parishad, as barbaric, fanatical, ridiculous; and the British media in turn, took-up, as parrots, the cry of their Indian counterparts." (Histoire de l'Inde) In the case of Swami Ramdev, there are also accusations of an 'empire' worth hundreds of crores and even an island. Well a guru has to decide: Either he stays in a cave and looks after his own salvation, or if he has come to help humanity, he will have first a few disciples, then a few hundreds, eventually thousands. He has to feed them, organise courses, satsangs, launch sewa projects. You need money for all that. Donations come, bigger and bigger, as the good work of this particular guru comes to be known. The funds have to be managed, more and more money is needed and gurus end up being like the head of a multinational corporation, with a hundred projects, all sewa-oriented, to manage. I have seen it at close hand. The fact that Ramdev got manhandled is nothing new. Gurus come to save humanity, but men either mock them or even crucify them. That is also in the nature of things. So who will win this battle of Kaliyuga? Sri Aurobindo came to announce the Supramental: He said that as there was man after the animal, so would there come a superman after man. Not the superman of the Hollywood series, but a man who is closer to beauty, love, compassion. One of the main attributes of the supermind, he stated, would be truth. This is why at the moment in India, the magnifying glass of truth is put upon men and events and falsehood comes out in the form of the stupendous scams that have happened in the last few years. Previously, the Congress was able to brazen it out, through bullying, deceit, lying and political cunning. Will it be able to do so this time? We have seen how it hopes that by slandering Ramdev and his very nice assistant, planting rumors, using the eternal scarecrow of the RSS (those old fuddy-fuddies, who most of the time could not harm a fly), it hopes to put a lid on all the suspicions which are hanging over their head. For the first beneficiary of the 2G or the CWG scams, is not the DMK, but the Congress. They are the ones who have institutionalised political corruption, the bribing of parliamentarians and elections which cost hundred of crores to elect a single MP. If truth does triumph, then Ms Gandhi's role will also come in the open, along with the truth about Italian middleman Ottavio Quattrocchi and the enormous covert funds the Congress is believed to be controlling. It may take time, but karma is inevitable. That is also an ancient Indian truth.

 6 Replies


Dear Makkad Saheb, Great insight but painful truth even for reading. You have eased our hearts a bit with a deepest analysis of the whole saga. History has shown and we, the Indians would show, the way out to the whole Congress Gang, the Demon Seed, The battle of Anna and Yogi Ramdev in my reflexion is the second war for freedom, this time against our own counterparts, to free us from the corrupt monsters. Hats off to you, Sir.


Rocker (n/a)     10 June 2011

As usual baseless nonsense by so called panchamvedi. Police probably wanted to kill him, therefore hiding in women's cloth does not mean criminal behaviour. Nor does it mean sign of weakness, women give birth to men and must be respected. It is your negative and discrimatory mind about women that is raising this question. You question is an insult to women. Shastra Sena does not mean criminal behaviour. Police has shashtras, does it mean that they are criminals? Shashtras are for self defense which is inalienable right of every citizen. BJP can certainly replace Congress, the people of this nation are waking up.

sanjeev dubey (Senior Manager)     10 June 2011

It was police whose act was criminal. Attacking innocent and fasting men, women and children at midnight when they were asleep and teargassing .Those people who were not causing any harm to anyone nor a single word was ever uttered to cause any harm in any form to any person. Attacking such innocent and fasting starved men, women and chilgren at midnight like thieves and decoits and teargassing people in a closed canopy is definitely a very severe criminal act. How can any act to save oneself from criminal acts of these sarkari gundas be termed as a criminal act.

Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     10 June 2011


with yoga or hindu saint ship,

i know baba ramdeo is a strong fighter against corruption.

therefore like crores of indian, i have full sympathy and support to baba only on this issue.


Both Baba Ramdev and Anna hazare have paid the price. The problem with India is, we have too many armchair critics not enough people with the drive to bring real reform. We have plenty to learn from other countries with transparent governments but we cling on to notions of our superiority.


baba ramdev circus is over. He could not remain hungry even for nine days. Already he started taking hiney and nimboo pani before farce of ending fast.

The lady for Manipur has more grit that she is on fast since last ten years while this baba could nore do so even for ten days.

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