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Prakash Yedhula (Lawyer)     08 January 2008

The Contract Labour (Registration and Abolition) Central Rules, 1971

Forms & Procedures under the Contract Labour (Reg. and Abo.) Central Rules, 1971

[align=center]Form - I [/align] [align=center][(See Rule 17(1)] [/align] [align=center]Application for Registration of Establishments Employing Contract Labour[/align]   [align=justify]Every principal employer of an establishment to which the Act applies shall ΓÇÿsubmit the application for registration to the Registering Officer Dy. Labour Commissioner of the area in which the establishment is located, after depositing the fees. 


 19 Replies

Prakash Yedhula (Lawyer)     08 January 2008

[align=center]Form - IV [/align] [align=center][(See Rule 21(1)][/align] [align=center]Application for Licence[/align]   Every application by a contractor for the grant of a licence shall be made in triplicate in Form IV, to the licensing officer of the area in which the establishment , in relation to which he is the contractor , is located.
It shall be accompanied by a certificate by the principal employer in Form V to the effect that the applicant has been employed by him as a contractor in relation to his establishment and that he undertakes to be bound by all the provisions of the Act and the rules made thereunder in so far as the provisions are applicable to him as principal employer in respect of the employment of contract labour by the applicant. Every application shall be either personally delivered to the licensing officer or sent to him by registered post. Every application referred to in sub-rule (1) shall also be accompanied by challan showing: [align=center](i)[/align] the deposit of the security at the rates specified in rule 24, and
[align=center](ii)[/align] the payment of the fees at the rates specified in rule 26.
Security is to be deposited @ Rs. 180/- per contract labour except that where the contractor is a Co-operative Society, the security is @ Rs. 45/-.

Prakash Yedhula (Lawyer)     08 January 2008

[align=center]Form VA [/align] [align=center][See Rule 21(2)][/align] [align=center]Application for Adjustment of Security Deposit [/align]
[align=justify] Where the application for the licence was holding a licence in regard to another work and that licences had expired, the licensing officer, if he is of the view that any amount out of the security deposited in respect of that licence is to be directed to be refunded to the applicant under rule 31, may, on an application made for that purpose in Form V A by the applicant adjust the amount so to be refunded towards the security required to be deposited in respect of the application for the new licence and the applicant need deposit, in such a case, only the balance amount, if any, after making such adjustment.

Prakash Yedhula (Lawyer)     08 January 2008

Form VIA Notice of commencement/completion of control work

Prakash Yedhula (Lawyer)     08 January 2008

[align=center]FORM VI-B [/align] [align=center][See Rule 81(3)] [/align] [align=center]Notice of commencement/completion of contract work[/align] Every principal employer shall, within fifteen days of the commencement or completion of each contract work under each contractor, submit a return to the Inspector, appointed under section 28 of the Act, intimating the actual dates of the commencement or, as the case may be, completion of such contract work, in Form VI B.

Prakash Yedhula (Lawyer)     08 January 2008

[align=center]FORM VII[/align] [align=center] (See Rule 29(2)][/align] [align=center]Application for Renewal of Licence[/align] Every such application shall be in Form VII in triplicate and shall be made not less than thirty days before the date on which the licence expires, and if the application is so made, the licence shall be deemed to have been renewed until such date when the renewed licence is issued.
The fees chargeable for renewal of the licence shall be the same as for the grant thereof, provided that if the application for renewal is not received within the time specified in sub-rule above, a fee of 25 per cent in excess of the fee ordinarily payable for the licence shall be payable for such renewal: Provided further that in case where the licensing officer is satisfied that the delay in submission of the application is due to unavoidable circumstances beyond the control of the contractor, he may reduce or remit as he thinks fit the payment of such excess fee.  

Prakash Yedhula (Lawyer)     08 January 2008

[align=center]FORM XII [/align] [align=center](See Rule 74][/align] [align=center]Register of Contractors [/align] Every principal employer shall maintain in respect of each registered establishment a register of contractors in Form XII.

Prakash Yedhula (Lawyer)     08 January 2008

[align=center]FORM XIII
[/align] [align=center][See Rule 74][/align] [align=center]Register of Workmen Employed by Contractors[/align] Every contractor shall maintain in respect of each registered establishment where he employs contract labour a register in Form XIII.

Prakash Yedhula (Lawyer)     08 January 2008

[align=center]FORM XIV[/align] [align=center][See Rule 76][/align] [align=center]Employment Card [/align] Every contractor shall issue an employment card in Form XIV to each worker within three days of the employment of the worker. The card shall be maintained upto date and any change in the particulars shall be entered therein.

Prakash Yedhula (Lawyer)     08 January 2008

[align=center]FORM XV[/align] [align=center][See Rule 77][/align] [align=center]Service Certificate[/align] On termination of employment of any reason whatsoever the contractor shall issue to the workman whose services shall be terminated a Service Certificate in Form XV.

Prakash Yedhula (Lawyer)     08 January 2008

[align=center]FORM XVI[/align] [align=center][See Rule 78(1)(a)(i)] [/align] [align=center]Muster Roll [/align] Every contractor shall maintain Muster Roll in form XVI.

Prakash Yedhula (Lawyer)     08 January 2008

[align=center]FORM XVII[/align] [align=center](See Rule 78(1)(a)(i)][/align] [align=center]Register of Wages [/align] Every contractor shall maintain register of wages in form XVII.

Prakash Yedhula (Lawyer)     08 January 2008

[align=center]FORM XVIII[/align] [align=center](See Rule 78(1)(a)(i)][/align] [align=center]Form of Register of Wages-cum-Muster Roll [/align] Where the wage period is fortnight or less the contractor shall maintain a combined register of wage-cum-muster roll in Form XVIII and not in form XVI & XVII.

Prakash Yedhula (Lawyer)     08 January 2008

[align=center]FORM XIX[/align] [align=center] (See Rule 78(1)(b)][/align] [align=center] WAGE SLIP [/align] Every contractor shall, where the wage period is one week or more, issue wage slips in form XIV to the workmen at least a day before the disbursement of wages.

Prakash Yedhula (Lawyer)     08 January 2008

[align=center]FORM XX[/align] [align=center](See Rule 78(1)(a)(ii)][/align] [align=center]Register of Deductions for Damage or Loss[/align] Every contractor is required to maintain the register in Form XX.

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