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The Dowry Story

Page no : 2


I hate love stories and i hate Dowry story

I liked one point in this story

that is Why did this happen to me ?:/

Anyway very good story taji.:P

And tajobs i dont know why these two ladies ( avani and utpala)fighting with eachother?

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     25 May 2011

Originally posted by :Kushan Vyas
" And tajobs i dont know why these two ladies ( avani and utpala)fighting with eachother? "

Take: It is just because of their individual "ideology differences" to one who has practically faced the harsher laws and to another who is arm chair social service person and for this person the faced facts of harsher criminal laws will be chance to pounce upon in disbelief forever via arm chair forum board postings for a simple reason practical facing criminal laws and proxy sympathising are totally different ball game. Illustration ask this arm chair person has any police person in uniform come to her home at 7 AM repeatedly banging on her doorbell and waking not only her and her family but entire neighbourhood (you got answer to you mockery on this post Ld. Kushan i.e. Why did this happen to me ?) ! Now think what a person feels on Day 1 read as Scene 1........ However, I am not touching the merits of their ideology and not making personal remarks to either of them so least you two ladies pounce on me as it is not my case it is your ideology which you two have to try to make each other understand as common cause that is where last para of the openning post comes as a question mark to readers to keep thinking now !

It is a well though mens rights presentation scriptt.................

Ta ra rum pum.........

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Hey Tajobs,

I really wanna know who these 2 gujjus are (the victims you are talking about)...their story is really painful.

I can see my future in them, thats the outcome of long years of harassment!.....if you know them, pls inform them that there are thousands of victims suffering in their native state Gujarat, and they can do a lot for them....

Only a victim knows what a false claim of "dowry" does to their entire life...We need to create a better tomorrow for our next generation, so that they dont get deprived of their right to EXISTENCE the way we were!

As for Kushan, well one of the ladies here is fighting for rights of mothers, sisters and many men too and you do not know what they are fighting for???

In short, Avani is actively fighting for the rights of all your family members and not just a offences meant!...

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zimmerzapper (student)     25 May 2011

Originally posted by :Tajobsindia
" 1. In Kolkatta two film institute final year students are making a documentary film on DOWRY read it as SOWRY laws on the same lines as Ragini MMS of Ekta soaps and it is financed by two Gujjus who faced toughest dowry tragedy in their family i.e. once on them 498a was filed 7 members of their family within 1 year died of depression and stress and these kids were then simply 7th. pass. They asked elders and extended family "how does govt. listen to misuse of laws" the common answer they got was "via media" so these chaps under lamp posts by day time and later begging for supporting their education and food self studied Journalism slowly and later did MA LLB and they became crime reporter in a largest regional daily later on. Now when they are in a position to tell their story to other common mens they sponsored this film which is written in synopsis format in my post for training Indian husbands - just replace Part I and read it as Scene I and then read paras of the scripttt again you will appreciate the storyline developing. BTW is it not a common mans real life turning into reel life ! "



so sad!. these are the consequences of badly thought out and badly implemented laws. in the end society has made them laughing stocks


I told you utpala not to fight with avani talk about law not give personal comment to avani

And avani dont give any personal comment to utpala.

Otherwise lci may either delete utpala profile or avani profile so ladies please follow my advise.

Originally posted by :LiveAndLetLive
Hey Tajobs,

I really wanna know who these 2 gujjus are (the victims you are talking about)...their story is really painful.

I can see my future in them, thats the outcome of long years of harassment!.....if you know them, pls inform them that there are thousands of victims suffering in their native state Gujarat, and they can do a lot for them....

Only a victim knows what a false claim of "dowry" does to their entire life...We need to create a better tomorrow for our next generation, so that they dont get deprived of their right to EXISTENCE the way we were!

As for Kushan, well one of the ladies here is fighting for rights of mothers, sisters and many men too and you do not know what they are fighting for???

In short, Avani is actively fighting for the rights of all your family members and not just a offences meant!...

L & L, I am ignoring Kushans words because he is also from Guj and he has an opportunity and obligation (as an advocate) to fight against misuse of law. Whether a person should fight against law misuse or just taunt on the ones who wish to fight against law misuse, is solely a matter of personal choice !


Its a tough battle Avani, Dont get disheartened! are strong enough to fight for the cause and hav lot many standing by your side!..

Originally posted by :LiveAndLetLive
Its a tough battle Avani, Dont get disheartened! are strong enough to fight for the cause and hav lot many standing by your side!..

True L & L,


And so, we can ignore those who don't support us. They do not matter as far as we have those who do !

Originally posted by : Zeeshan
& live & let live & avani

click following ling. I also have a long debate with utpala & roshni b

I know Zeeshan... Whoever sees wrongdoing or mockery of law should as a citizen raise his voice against it ...


ha ha...i know Zeeshan!

In fact, in that post also meenal provoked me again and again even when I was not posting anything...meenal right from the very beginning, comes into chapter for nothing and fights for one of those!

Time is the best healer; I cannot b in their position but they can b in mine in future bcoz they have lost nothing till now (as they claim when they call ME a loser) :P

So, lets just laugh at all these fights and forget them!


 I never make personal comments on anyone until one makes on me.

I have stopped talking with Avani .Yet they are after me.

I never support law mis-use but can't agree that  ALL cases are false.

Have u seen these queris?




[ Scorecard : 24] 

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Hi Friends and Respected sir.

i Deepak, From sister dead bcoz of dowry harrsement in her husband house, and FIR is done, My sister husband and there family came out from bail.

how will come to know is Charge Cheet is been submitted by police..what next i need to do..!

what all the steps i need to fallow to know - is Charge cheet is submitted..or no..when i call police they say its been submitted but when i went to court and asked - thet person is telling its not submitted yet..its been 6months now..please do help and what next i need to do..

Many Thanks in Advance







[ Scorecard : 34] 

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shekhar -accountant

savita-wife of shekhar-clerk in same deptt.

both married one year before

no dowry was demanded at the time of marriage n not given by parents of bride

after 1 year, shekhar was dismissed......he think to start new this reference he asked his wife to bring 50,000 frm his start his new buisness

shekhar mother persuaded savita.since she had not brought any dowryn offer of marriage was accepted as his son's hav lot of offers of marriafe with heavy dowry.

savita brought it in her parents notice,bt they didnt take it seriously

on repeated demand n totrtureshe conveyed to her parents that they could do anything.

on some say,neighbour of shekhar saw flames n there was no one at home.neighbour goes to sjekhar house, broke the the kitchenWHICH WAS BOLTED FRON INSIDE.they took savita to hospital,savita gace statement n shothat shekhar had pored keroscene oil,tied her,n lit her to fire n fled away.later she succumbed to injuries.shekhar n hs mother when came to know rushed to the hospital n state that they had gone to the tempke n she might have committed suicide for the reason best known to her.PROSECUTION BOOKED SHEKHAR N HI MOTHER



I can't ignore these....I too did not see u girls commenting on these queries inspite of u all being online for almost whole day.

I too have two daughters.I don't want my dolls to get burnt by some greedy people in future.I want them to stand on their feet so that they can enjoy life sitting on arm chair.




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I don't know facts of your cases.You told u are a victim of false dowry cases.May be or may nor be.

you were not safe in your own home.Who will assure you/me one day you  or my daughters will not be in place of dipak's sister or savita??


Originally posted by :utpala kaur
 I never make personal comments on anyone until one makes on me.

I have stopped talking with Avani .Yet they are after me.

I never support law mis-use but can't agree that  ALL cases are false.

Have u seen these queris?




[ Scorecard : 24] 

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Hi Friends and Respected sir.

i Deepak, From sister dead bcoz of dowry harrsement in her husband house, and FIR is done, My sister husband and there family came out from bail.

how will come to know is Charge Cheet is been submitted by police..what next i need to do..!

what all the steps i need to fallow to know - is Charge cheet is submitted..or no..when i call police they say its been submitted but when i went to court and asked - thet person is telling its not submitted yet..its been 6months now..please do help and what next i need to do..

Many Thanks in Advance







[ Scorecard : 34] 

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shekhar -accountant

savita-wife of shekhar-clerk in same deptt.

both married one year before

no dowry was demanded at the time of marriage n not given by parents of bride

after 1 year, shekhar was dismissed......he think to start new this reference he asked his wife to bring 50,000 frm his start his new buisness

shekhar mother persuaded savita.since she had not brought any dowryn offer of marriage was accepted as his son's hav lot of offers of marriafe with heavy dowry.

savita brought it in her parents notice,bt they didnt take it seriously

on repeated demand n totrtureshe conveyed to her parents that they could do anything.

on some say,neighbour of shekhar saw flames n there was no one at home.neighbour goes to sjekhar house, broke the the kitchenWHICH WAS BOLTED FRON INSIDE.they took savita to hospital,savita gace statement n shothat shekhar had pored keroscene oil,tied her,n lit her to fire n fled away.later she succumbed to injuries.shekhar n hs mother when came to know rushed to the hospital n state that they had gone to the tempke n she might have committed suicide for the reason best known to her.PROSECUTION BOOKED SHEKHAR N HI MOTHER



I can't ignore these....I too did not see u girls commenting on these queries inspite of u all being online for almost whole day.

I too have two daughters.I don't want my dolls to get burnt by some greedy people in future.I want them to stand on their feet so that they can enjoy life sitting on arm chair.




If you have two daughters who you wish to give good future (they havent seen any troubles yet and still you are thinking of preventing troubles for them), there are people who have seen their families harassed by DILs. Many of them are dragged to suicide. The rest are hardly alive with false litigations being dragged for years and the false complainant being given monetary relief to be able to afford the best lawyers of the city. When you are raising your voice simply on assumption of what your daughters might face tomorrow, I am seeing the fact that some families who had sons have faced and are facing today. I can't ignore the present and the facts.

How can you correlate death of bride / suicide of bride etc to another case where bride runs away in 10-12 days of mrg and files false cases for money ?

Are we talking about dowry death/ attempt to murder ? Are those not covered by separate sections of law ? We are talking about false 498 A and DV Act cases. What is DV Act for ? For saving anyone ? No, its only for money and monetary relief. With your LLB degree I am sure you know that in DV Act, there are judgements which state that wife should be maintained luxuriously just because hubby is "capable". DVA has become a tool for misuse. Do you mean that a poor man who doesn't earn has the right to beat his wife and yet not face any consequence, and, a rich man who has lots of money has the right to beat his wife and pay up but a middle class man who hasnt done any wrong should keeping paying under this act just because he is "capable" ? ... Remember, this attitude is the main cause of suicides of men / women.


Apart from this, whoever claims that a woman was burnt by inlaws should go and analyse how many such in-laws got punishment ? In such cases, there was no maintenance, no alimony while in other cases where the wife harasses the hubby and his family for dowry immediately after marriage and files false cases against them keep paying up for the crime of "getting the son married"  throughout their lives.

If a family who has not taken dowry / demanded dowry faces harassment from a DIL for years, the society will not get a lesson that they don't have to take dowry. Instead they realize "bechaare, dowry na maangi, na li, na wife / DIL ko sataya... fir bhi cases jhel rahe hain aur maintenance de rahe hain usko... " .. And then you can imagine the consequence. Laws are misused by some who will get benefits and consequence will be faced by others who were even truely aggreived but could never even get what they deserve. You are talking about women who are harassed by in-laws and I am talking about the women who harass their in-laws. Because of these women, their brother in laws and sisters in laws lost their careers, had to give up education, could not get married and are facing extortion everyday.  Are these females not like your daughters ? They do not have the right of existing peacefully just because they had a male sibling ? Just because you have a son you deserve to be arrested ? Just because your brother got married you deserve to be harassed by police who comes to your place any time and randomly ? Sorry, but the world does not revolve around women who dont have sons and who dont have brothers. The world is lot bigger and there are so many people in it who deserve to live. Its not just one female but a complete family's life is at stake when a woman files false case against them. 

Do let me know how many women are getting Rs 40,000 worth maintenance in India under DV Act. And if you find only one case, do remember to look at the case facts and try to know what had really happened (if at all something has happened) .... When facts start losing importance and monetary gains become prominent, the laws have all possibility to be misused.


Even the case you are talking about is a grave inaction on the part of the girls' parents. Why did they leave their daughter with such people when she had informed them ? If they cant maintain their daughter who was born in their family and so is also a legal heir, how can you expect a husband who has been cheated badly and tortured by his wife to maintain her throughout his life and reward her for her misdeeds. HEr parents are also one of the reason for her suicide in the example you have cited. It was their duty to save their daughter. They wanted to get rid of their responsibility and let her suffer ?

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If I am not safe in my own home (and people are fine with that), obviously no one can (and no one should) be assured of safety at in-laws place either. Why is this injustice / partiality against me (innocent siblings of hubby) taken so lightly ? Why is only one woman important and hundreds of people who are daily harassed by DILs deeds don't matter ? What about my maintenance and my residence rights ? IF I am by default suposed to be maintained by my parents and in case they cant do that I have to work hard to maintain myself, why is that not applicable to the woman who has just enjoyed few days of holiday with her hubby and left him to enjoy his money ever after ? Can't she maintain herself ? Can't her parents maintain her ? IF not, why should my brother maintain a woman who has ruined his parents and siblings' life ? Will you reward a thief who comes to your house and loots all your belongings ? Will you pamper a dacoit who kills your family members ? Then why do you expect the husband to maintain a wife when his life and that of his his family members have been ruined by her deeds ?


Now if you say that you are not talking to me, I am still talking to you because you talk to me when you want and dont ask my permission. Also, I need to know what provisions have you kept for daughters like me (just because I am not yours doesnt mean I am not a daughter) ? How can you choose some daughters above others ? I havent made any choices here ... I am the one who strongly condemns both giving and taking of dowry and believe that if a man / woman is killed his / her killer should be punished. I am unbiased here. Now, can I expect you to be unbiased too ?

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