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Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     23 June 2011

The light blue shirt man


Rahul reached first at 9.30 outside Court no XX in Patiala House Courts,

Bench outside the court room were full already. Small kids, old, young ones, people wearing suit to dhoti kurta all milled about outside the room. Rahul did not know what to do and he scanned the crowd to catch a glimpse of his lawyer or Meera and her family.

His Lawyer Arjun had informed him that Meera will be there too and to avoid all contact with her so as not to antagonize her. Rahul phoned Arjun only to be informed that he will be before concerned Court by
10 am

Rahul stood near the pillar clutching a single copy of petition in his hand. A small girl at the edge of the seat was crying, "Papa, papa" And she extended her hand towards a bearded tense looking man standing on opposite side of corridor. The man was clutching nervously at a thick brown manila envelop in one hand and avoiding looking directly at the little girl but occasionally he caught glances at the little crying girl.

Other side of girl hand was held firmly by a woman who looked like in her early thirty, obviously she was her mother.  The lady was wearing a very shining purple suit with matching nails and even lipstick. She was looking angrily towards the man to whom the little girl was extending her hands.

Then the purple woman mumbled loudly at the little girl, "
Don't cry papa, papa. Badi aaye papa ki ladal, look at your papa, he is not even bothered about us. He does not want to even meet you." The lady then turned around to speak to an old lady sitting by her side," What does he know about responsibilities of a father. He does not even want to meet his little daughter" then the purple women coughed and turned around to spit on the terrace behind her bench.

The man in light blue shirt and khaki pants was obviously hearing this and he turned his gaze and he looked longingly at the little girl. His face showed a whole gamut of emotions as his eyes lit up and his lips broadened into a smile. Then the little girl struggled briefly to free her arms and ran towards the man. The light blue shirt bent down on his knees to welcome the girl with open arms.

It happened so quickly but the whirl of emotions stayed etched in all those watching the whole spectacle at one side of the corridor as if everything was happening in slow motion. The man did not say anything; he just kept one hand on the girl shoulder and with other hand caressed the girl’s hair. They remained in that semi frozen position for an eternity till the man reached out for his trouser side pocket to produce a small chocolate.

Little girl eyes lit up and she quickly planted a quick kiss on the mans left cheek.

"Sweet kiss to my sweet papa from little sweetie." And the girl got busy opening the wrapper and devouring the now slightly molten chocolate.

Then the man turned to present his other cheek to the girl. Little sweetie girl looked perplexed at her father and then at her hands smeared with molten chocolate. Her mouth was full of chocolate as she had the full bar in her mouth. She wiped her lips with one hand and her cheeks also got smeared with chocolate.

Almost everyone in the corridor was watching this silent spectacle. There was the silence in the corridor and some people had even stopped reading newspapers and their court papers to watch what happens next.

Little sweetie girl looked perplexed at her smeared hands and wondering whether she can kiss with a mouth full of chocolate. Father on his knees, left eyes glistening with a hint of single tear gazed directly at little girl sweetie. They both were oblivious to the fact that everyone was watching them in the court room corridor.

The Blue shirt man was too overcome with emotions at little sweetie dilemma to speak anything. He just pointed with finger to his other cheek. There was total silence in otherwise very buzzing corridor to watch a man down on the knees and extending his other cheek to a little sweet girl.

Little sweetie girl circled her lips and arched her neck towards the cheek, a faint sound of smooch followed by a loud smack and a cough.

Before little Sweetie lips could touch her father's cheek, the purple suited mother got up quickly and snapped at her daughter hand to yank her away from the kneeling man. Well Sweetie girl’s lips never touched her father's other cheek. When her mother smacked her hand to yank her away, little sweetie coughed up a small bit of chocolate on her father's nose below his eyes.

Purple suit women continued mumbling as she took little sweetie towards the bathroom, "Look, whole dress is spoiled. Some kanjoos people can’t even buy a decent chocolate. Let me wash this filth from you. Filthy man can only buy cheap filthy chocolates."

Little sweetie was too dazed to even understand a word of what her mother was saying and to whom she was saying, "No need for this drama now. You are doing this drama to escape arrest. You will never learn, now see when the police comes" and then purple suited lady made sounds of a police siren car as she walked towards the end of long corridor her purple sandals thumping against the floor was only noise in the crowded corridor full of atleast hundred people.

The light blue shirt man on his knees ran his finger over the chocolate lump below his left eye, chocolate looked like a brown grease paint smearing as in a
Hollywood war movie. The man got up and looked around. All eyes that were so far transfixed on them quickly turned away and people immersed themselves in whatever they were doing before, reading papers, chatting up or looking away. Even Rahul turned his gaze away but he continued to look with corner of his eyes. When the Blue khaki man got convinced that no one was watching him then he put his chocolate smeared fingers in his mouth. He wiped his cheeks again and put the remaining chocolate in his mouth. He mumbled something which Rahul could not hear but assumed that the Blue khaki man probably mumbled, "Sweet and salty- sweet chocolate mixed with salty tears."

Credits: Crusadewatcher

PS.: Prudent Fathers may improve upon the facts turning into fiction Novel writing for our that posterity.........

 3 Replies


Very good write up !!

I was feeling as if i was there and have seen all..

May god re-unite man in light blue shirt with his little sweetie forever.


And for purple suit woman, "Hell is calling,  where are you ?? "


when papa wants to meet her daughter /son her wife /parents dont want to meet her  so papa use some other trick like papa go to school ....Some papa visit a school where his son are stydying but if mom knew then she instruct principal or guard not to meet that person.I also saw one case in which wife compel her husband to give divorce and husband have no choice at that time and when they get decree husband lastly request her to meet her daughter but wife was not  agree to meet her daughter and at that time husband was crying that time i saw that moment cruel she was...( i was not his/her advocate at that time)


Plus , Inconsistent visits can be disrupting for your child as well as your ex. ex can appeal for modification of visitation rights in case you (papa)show any discrepancy in your behavior or visiting schedule without prior notice.Many times wife planted some thouglts in child so when she or he (daughter /son) becomed elder they doesnt respect her father.How sad?


Also,It is high time that appropriate law is enacted clarifying legal position in child custody matters since millions of persons of India origin are settled abroad who may be facing this piquant position in the absence of clear laws on the subject. 


India has not signed the Hauge Convention on child custody laws till date. This is what happened in a recent case decided by the Supreme Court of North Carlonia, USA : the mother was awarded child custody by a New Jersey Court and the father was awarded visitation rights. 


The mother shifted to NC to a place more than 300 miles from the father's residence in NJ. The father had to travel to more than 300 miles for exercising his visitation rights for meeting with the child every week-end. So far so good. No complaints. 

The father wanted to bring the child for a family get-together in India and applied to the NC court for appropriate orders. The mother opposed child's India visit on the ground that once taken to India, the father may obtain an Indian passport for the child and that she may never get the custody of the child. 

The mother produced a letter from a lawyer of Supreme Court of India who certified that since India is not a signatory to Hague Convention, the mother's custody right granted by US Court may not be enforced if the child is brought to India. This persuaded the NC court to decline request made by child's father for a visit to India. The father thus could not bring the child to India for a family get-together.


For more info read this:


This is the fate of great indian father. That's why our country is called mother India. No law favoring men.

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