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Tanny050 (NA)     17 June 2013

The saga of harassing wife and her parents

Dear All,

Bieng married since last 18 months with no peace, kids and just verbal abuses and physical torture of my wife and her family, we tried to convince her that life is not just money, its about trust and relationship. All things went in drain.


She has been initating  quarrel since last 15 months and  my family fearing the worst face of DV and 498 cases had kept quiet budging to all her demands. Last march hell broke out lose and on asking her where she was, i was called up by her father and was verbally abused and he said that he will give me divorce as her daughter has found someone. this statement he later refused.


Then B*****'s BIL called up and said not to involve him as he is clean even though he was the main conspirator.   My relatives and my parents fearing issues had gone to my in-laws house yesterday and 3 weeks ago. My relatives have been trying to save the marriage from my side and nothing is working out. When they go there , they are verbally abussed and we are even said with filthy words.

They have a new story to tell every time.

1. they dont want  to see my face and the B***h has said she doesn't have any relationship with me.

2. accusation of she spending 15000 on my clothes after marriage without proof and also saying that she has spent huge amounts of money towards me. Also accusing me of not showering gifts to her and has told that i have not even given her anything aftr marriage. Indeed i have all the bills of the gifts which i had procured her.

3. Accusation of me being verbally abusive at all times. I dont know from where it is being coming.

4. they have abused my relatives who had gone there to settle things. They even said that they will not file divorce and now accusing me of telling that i am willing to give divorce.

5. Threatening to fit all family members in DV and dowry harrsment case.

6. Transfer all assests to my name. A ploy which will be easy for her to get hold of all things and discard me.

7. she is hell bent on not leaving bangalore a fear which she has staying with me.


I have caught hold of evidences where she has told her friend that she is marrying me just because of my assests. Her Saussy messages to her boyfriend in Gtalk.

Now that they are in danger of getting caught their last resort is to get all my assests and run away. she has not told her how much salary she is getting and is in a good Paying IT job. they have only one mission, to take my father's hard earned money and my money also which they will get for free just by filing false cases.

Any help how to proceed to end this menace will be highly appreciable. will police consider all the digital evidences? What happens if she deltes all the content from Email ID. We want to legally get the phone records to prove that she indeed is playing games for money.

I dont want to enter into a revenge battle here, i want my family to be on a safer side. Now that she is not ready for Divorce with Mutual consent, i have no other option to fight the case on merit.

 1 Replies

Adv k . mahesh (advocate)     17 June 2013

as she is also working as per your query there is no need of maintenance 

prepare for divorce which lasts more than 2 years but you will end up with divorce with her if you want to settle mutually consent divorce shall out some alimonay (amount) to her and meet a lawyer who will draft a Mutual consent divorce which is best option and fast in your case because if you prolong the issue will go further and more cases will come forward 

so try to cnvince them and prepare them to pay a ransom to come out of this situation and save your family if not 

then convince and settle the matter and stay with her happily 

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