A piece of property measuring 16 cents have been inherited by sons and daughters of a decesed person who did not execute a will. The schedule property is still in the name of the original owner. A few years back one of the inheritors borrowed a huge amount of money from a person who upon failing to get back the money lent resorted to getting a portion (unspecified though) of the land by legal means. Later on he obtained a decree in his favor and still further the court allowed him to establsish his right over the portion of the land through sale by auction(yet the share of the inheritor in question has not been established). It is learnt that the third party has become the co-owner of the schedule property. At this juncture how could he be able to secure possession of a particular portion of the property in his name? Will a partition suit allow his claim over a vantage part of the land?What repercussions could be expected by other legal heirs?