Return the money back with interest back to their account. How old are the SMS messages ?
Gautam Kapoor (IT professional Studying Law) 21 April 2014
Return the money back with interest back to their account. How old are the SMS messages ?
Gautam Kapoor (IT professional Studying Law) 22 April 2014
Well advised by Mr. Sunishchai.To add just my merely saving the message may not help (open to contradictions).If the messages are NOT more than 3 months old, try to get the call records and SMS messages.Contact a good senior lawyer immediately.
Parallely , get you lawyers opinion on the below
1)Try to contact them with your elders and record the whole conversation.
2)Try to call her boyfriend/sms him and explain the situation and record the whole conversation.
3)Try to call the girl/sms and explain the situation and record the whole conversation.
Dont be scared of your decision marrying this kind of female whose family has these kind of intentions before marriage can make your life hell if you marry her on small small things.
Sunishchai sachar
Shonee Kapoor (Legal Evangelist - TRIPAKSHA) 23 April 2014
CDRs (Call Detail Records) can not be obtained by a private party, but they can be preserved by an order of the court.
CDRs are maintained by law for minimum ONE year.