My Tata Power Shares were stolen from Post Office. A company called 'Nagarjuna Securities' approached me with transfer deed & asked me to sign them since my signature differed. Obviously, since I had not sold the shares & he had bought them from a con broker. I refused & I requested Tata Power to isse me duplicate shares. Nagarjuna Securities brought a 'STAY' on Tata Power against issuing duplicate shares to me. Tata Power refuses to issue me duplicate shares & has asked me to vacate the stay. I filed a case against Tata Power 4 years later making Nagarjuna Securities as one of the respondent. Nagarjuna Securities now does not exist & cannot be located. Tata Power is fighting against me saying the case is time barred. Even they know that I am the rightful owner. Hearing is scheduled for 2-9-09. Can the judge apply the time barred arguement. All other evidences are in my favour.