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tatyasaheb (Manager-HRM)     08 February 2011

time-framed disciplinary proceedings

Information contributed is extreemly useful. Kindly upload CDA rules in respect of any PSE.

Warm Regards,

TD Mairal

 6 Replies

tatyasaheb (Manager-HRM)     08 February 2011

Information contributed is extreemly useful. Kindly upload CDA rules in respect of any PSE.

Warm Regards,

TD Mairal

Kumar Doab (FIN)     18 August 2011

Dept. has to revert to CVC, CBI in one month for reconsideration or if reconsideration is not required charge sheet is to be issued in one month.

Towards all the corruption cases pointed out by you, what action has been taken by NIACL’s concerned authority? If no action was taken then what action is taken finally by personnel and CMD.? If no action is taken by anyone then are all liable to be prosecuted including CVC CXBI which has not followed up?

Kumar Doab (FIN)     18 August 2011

Since the rules have been flouted in your case, by one and all, and despite the fact that you have brought the anomalies and irregularities to the notice of Ramadoss and GM(P), Krishna, still they did not act.

Use your resources to find out each time you raised the matter, related to action of corrupt and corruption, and biased suspension in your case, what action was taken by whom and certified copies of the action taken.

It could be possible that Ramadoss and GM(P), Krishna have never issued any instructions. If it is found to be correct then let them face the music.

In any case Ramadoss should appear in person before ALC or in labor court, for the wrongdoings.

Himadri Shekhar Bhattacharjee (Manager)     09 February 2013


I understand that, detailed timelimit has been put forth in the CVC manual applicable for public sector banks, but, the manual is silent on the appropriate remedy which can be sought if disciplinary authority violates such time limit and refuse to make amends, inspite of notifying it.

In my friends' case, who works in a nationalized banks and suspended way back on 12th August 2010, the charge sheet served after nearly 2 years, departmental enquiry completed and the timelimit of six months for completion of departmental enquiry and IOs report within six months, elapsed on 12th January 2013. But, the disciplinary authority is keeping mum and the concerned employee is tottering in suspension for more than 2 and half years, at half salary.

Please let me know the remedy available in this case.


Himadri Shekhar Bhattacharjee.

RASHMIKANT G. DAVE (PROPRIETOR)     09 February 2013

Dear Mr. Gopal Soni,

I have gone through the recent guideline of Ministry of Finance for expediate the departmental enquiry in Bank. 

Will you please let me know the Government guideline for conducting departmental enqury during the period 1985 to 1990. I was a Bank Employee. Bank had issued me charge sheet after two years of so call alleged incident and conducted department enquiry after five years.



RASHMIKANT G. DAVE (PROPRIETOR)     11 February 2013

Dear Shri Gopal Soni,

I was an employee of State Bank of Saurashtra. I was appointed in 1973. There is no specific terms and conditions mentioned in my appointmemt letter. However all the Award Staff Bank Employees are governed by Desai Award, Sastry Awards and Bipartite Settlements between Indian Bank Association and Bank Unions. And there is no specific time limit drawn anywhere, which please note. Moreover, the State Bank of Saurashtra was merged with State Bank of India now.

Wiil please further guide me in context to my above mentioned clerification.



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