What is the maximum tiem limit for producing a chargesheet in the trail court. is there any time limit for producinng the charge sheet in a court like 60 or 90 days.
Seetharamreddy Kancharla (Student) 01 May 2012
What is the maximum tiem limit for producing a chargesheet in the trail court. is there any time limit for producinng the charge sheet in a court like 60 or 90 days.
Guest (Guest) 02 May 2012
Dear Querist,
Although there is no time limit for filing the chargesheet which if not adhered to may derail the case of the prosecution, under Section 167(2) Cr.P.C if the chargesheet has not been filed within 90 days where the investigation relates to an offence which carries an imprisonment for a term not less than ten years, and 60 days where the investigation relates to any other offence, the accused has a right to be released on bail if he is in custody.
Ashish Davessar
Nilesh Agrawal (Lawyer) 02 May 2012
Mr. Ashish Davessar is correct.
Seetharamreddy Kancharla (Student) 02 May 2012
i will explain in brief , my father bought 0.14 acres of land from his brother in 2007 october and later on words he is the posession. one of our neibour is saying that land is ours but he dont have the registered deed. Later he was colluded with police and revenue authorities and file three cases one is U/S 290 and 323 which was equitted by the magistrate and two cases running. In the second case which was a false theft U/S 447,379 and 506 at that time i was not in the spot i was in other place the case was filed wonteldy on me by a police officer because i was gi ven complaint on the police officer to SP. so he wants to take a revenge on me. In 2008 my father got the amendment regarding that said land and he is paying land cist but the police offiecer filed this false theft case in 2009 May. Actuallly the offence takes place on 27 th april and petetioner came to the PS on May 2nd immidiatly SHO filed this case with out any land and document witness. In november 2009 i took anticipatpory bail from Sessions court but after 6 months the SHO filed the charge sheet in the cout with out cieze any paddy and any vehicle. SO how can i face this case kinldy help me.
Nilesh Agrawal (Lawyer) 05 May 2012
dear you can approach to concerned high court for the quashment of proceedings.
Seetharamreddy Kancharla (Student) 08 May 2012
Hi to all is it possible to quash the Charge Sheet in high court.
Guest (Guest) 10 May 2012
If the chargesheet is proved to be mala fide, the same can be quashed.