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Sundar XXXXXXX (Software Engineer)     06 December 2011

Time limit for writ petition

Is there a specific time limit for filing a writ petition? The order I want to appeal under article 227 was made on 20/9/2011. Is it ok if I file the WP in Jan 2012?


 6 Replies

Amit Gupta (Advocate)     06 December 2011

There is no time limitation for filing the writ, but huge delay will cause the writ to be dissmissed on the count of DELAY AND LACHES. Normally there is 90 days limitation in limitaion act for the provisions of CPC hence the filing of writ within 90 to 150 or 200 days is not considered time barred.

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deepthi puthiyaveetil (student)     06 December 2011

 there is no prescribed limitation period for filing a writ petition. but, as this is a discretionary relief, the courts would always expect the aggrieved party to move the court without unnecessary delay... moreover the hon'ble courts had clearly stated it won't come to the  rescue of those who sleep over their rights.

but, if you succeed in covincing the court about the genuinity behind such delay, then i dnt think you'l have any problem in proceeding with youR WP

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Vinod (CMO)     06 September 2013

Resp.Sir,I have a question.CPC ord.39 R.11 for strking off defences was passed by CiTY CIVIL Crt on 4/1/2013 ,followed by which Revision applicatn under Ord.39 R.11 Subrule 2,was also rejected-on 6/4/2013.Now aggrieved by this decision,Petitioners have filled WRIT PETITION at Mumbai High Crt-containing both orders combined in JULY-2013 & still its not yet finally numbered. SHALL THIS CASE BE UNDER TIME LIMITATION BARR? or are there any other BAR- for rejection of this Writ??Please advice the needful?Thanking u in anticipation.Dr.Vinod J.Modase,E-mail, Mo-9823079445.

saket (law intern)     01 April 2014

if a person files a writ petition against the State Government after a delay of 12 years from the date of accrual of right, then what grounds can be mentioned in the written statement for dismissal of the petition.

rahul (director)     20 May 2015

Is someone can file writ petition 226-227, civil after 28 years of property transaction, and claiming that respondnet with collosion with DDA get conveyence deed in her name in delhi high court.

and DHC pass a ex parte stay on first date and DDA lawyer accept notice,

i heared in that there is 12 years limitation for property matters


Dhruba Basu (deputy manager)     26 January 2016

after filing writ petition how much time it takes to resolve the case? 

i have changed my gender after the NALSA judgemnt came into effect. i got new voter id, pan card, aadhaar card and submitted the same in my office (State Bank of  India) but the dumb law officer there is not accepting any of this. he is asking for recognition of my gender from state govt. i also have state govt gezette notification about the change of gender which is not sufficient for him.

if i file a writ petition against bank how much time it may take to resolve?


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