I appeared before the magistrate in the false case filed by my wife under sec 125 CrPC. She gave only 20 days to file WS and next date a month post the same. Out of the 20 days there are about 12 days remaining since I work away from my native place where the case is filed. What should I do? I understand that filing a good WS is not a big deal since it takes only few hours of concentrated effort on my part. If someone can guide me on:
1. 20 days is too less a period to file a WS and also collect evidence to support the same. Should I
a. Take my time to collect evidence and create a solid WS and then file it even if it goes beyond the 20 days timeline.
b. Do not worry about the evidence as yet and just file the WS and continue collecting evidence against her false claims.
2. What happens if I can't file the WS in 20 days limit but file it before the next court date and also send across the same to her advocate? Is it a violation of law and could I be punished for that? What type of punishment is given in such cases?
3. Do I need to mention my salary details in the WS although the court has not asked for it but my wife has claimed 5-6 times my actual salary in her notice? Is there a way to put the onus back on her to prove the same?
4. Can something be done to save my property in which my parents had invested their hard earned retirement income but aren't owners on paper due to Home Loan on the property which was taken by me?
Please guys.. looking for a compassionate response.