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Shree. ( Advocate.)     28 April 2008

Tips to a Successful Marriage!!!!!!!!!!!!

No one Married to be Divorced,To make a marriage work you have to be prepared to put in a lot of effort and time.There are ups and downs in marriage,All marriages are look perfect from outside,but in reality its different. You have to learn to be able to deal with both extremes and work together.

1. Ask your partner's advice and listen to the answer.

2. Accept that you will both make mistakes and do your best to learn from them. and Never Repeat it

3. If you run into a difficult time, just remember your wedding vows.

4. Accept that men and women are different.

5. Communicate. Listen, learn and talk to each other.

6. Don't have affairs

7. Don't sleep in separate beds, even if there's an unsettled argument. Try to sort out your problems before you go to sleep.

8. Don't fall into roles. If one of you always does the ironing, it becomes boring and monotonous.

9. Teasing can be healthy but don't let it become cruelty.

10. Be best friends as well as lovers

11. Do not criticise his/her friends in front of him/her. Nor insult husband/wife in front of your friends

12. Do not criticise his/her Parents.

13. Give and take.

14. Don't let your s*x life become a routine. Make Love

15. Don't take each other for granted.

16. Comfort each other when you are down.

17. Accept your partner.

18. Don't neglect your appearances.

19. Be honest with each other.

20. Compromise.

21. Forgive each other.

22. Ask before you borrow anything.

23. Pass on all messages to your partner.

24. Tell your partner that you love them.

25. Compliment each other - and mean it

26. Cry together as you laugh together.

27. Share responsibilities

28. Be thankful to each other.

29. Do not cheat.

30. Learn to say SORRY.

31. Please love each other.

32. Learn from each other

 23 Replies


All the tips are valuble to bring success and happiness in married life

Guest (n/a)     29 April 2008

Dear Freind, Your "Tips to a Successful Marriage" is really fantastic, Till Now I am bachelor, but this will be very useful for me in future. Thanks DHIRAJ

Ajay kumar singh (Advocate)     29 April 2008

Marriage is actually a dictate of God. It is said that marriages are settled in heaven. As per MANU,marriage is a combination of two persons bone to bone and flesh to flesh. Husband and wife are the wheels of the cart of life. They must have trust in each other and should stick firmly to the pious terms of marriage. No spouse should treat its partner inferior. I am in full agreement with you.

J. P. Shah (RTI & CONSUMER ACTIVIST)     29 April 2008

very useful for young couples. thanks

Rajeshwar Singh (LAw Officer)     15 May 2008

Incredible gems of knowledge


Well said.

Krishnan Venkatachalam (Legal professional)     07 July 2008

Dear Shree,

The tips given by you for a Happy Marriage life is the need of the hour since the couples of this generation are opting to go for divorce even for simple issues which could be resolved by frank talks.

Hats off to you.

Shree. ( Advocate.)     07 July 2008

Thanks friend .

Shree. ( Advocate.)     07 July 2008

Thanks for One and all for your views and this tips may help someone somewhere to make his or her married Life in Great success.Meantime i Thank Mr.P.R.JAYARAJAN,ADVOCATE ,ARBITRATOR, AUTHOR, COMMISSIONER OF OATHS AND EDITOR  publishing this article in his law journal "SATTA PARVAI " MAGAZINE IN THE MONTH OF MAY 2008.Thanks for one and All again.


Thanks Shreeram for your reciprocal approach. Write more and post them to us. Take Care.

c anuradha (legal-executive)     17 July 2008

That was a very useful information.thanx.

ARVIND KUMAR (LAWYER)     19 July 2008

Good approach and Good Advise. But for professional lawyers as well as Courts all these things are nothing where both the parties are adment to fight each other through record and looking to satisfy themselves ego. At every stage the evidences are necessary part before court.

venkat ramana .T (Advocate)     20 July 2008

tips given are helpful and is being displayed by me in bar association of secunderabad, andhra pradesh

Srinivas.B.S.S.T ( Advocate)     21 July 2008

There are tips for every thing but the question is whether the
people will follow them or not . Sorry to say sir but one heated
session of argument between the couple and all the tips will be at the
bay. Dont you think so?. No one can live according to what is said in

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