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Paritosh Jani (Self)     21 October 2010

Title Certificate



I am staying in Ahmedabad and my father holds a house in co-operative society. My society is not paying land revenue since last 4 years... this reflects in 7/12 extracts and they are not even willing to pay. Due to this banks are not approving my house renovation / extension loans.

What can be done ? Since this is joint land, it is beyond my capacity. Is it necessary to have a land debt-free for a no-due title report?


 5 Replies

Darshan Panchal (Advocate)     21 October 2010

well to have a clear and marketable title, the land must be free of all charges and encumbrances and when it is apparent on the face of 7/12 no financial institution would approve assistance. Why don't u try persuading all the members to pay the rent collectively. Socities normally collect money for this purpose from the members only and pay. U can get this verified and in case there is anything fishy u can complaint to the district registrar also.

Paritosh Jani (Self)     21 October 2010

I believe no members are interested as the Chairman and Secretary are not willingly taking this up in general meeting as well members do not see any advantage.... approaching District registrar is just getting into lengthy government processes...

prakash korekar (advocate & notary)     21 October 2010

ask your father (member of society) to make an application to the registrar of the co-op societies in ahmedabad complaining about the fact & asking to take legal actions against the society's president / chairman, secretary, treasurer & other office bearers about doing this illegal practice. criminal complaint can also be filed against all the aforesaid for not paying the legal dues to the government authority despite receiving money from members of the society & misappropriating the same. till then u won't get clear & marketable title.

Bharatkumar (ADVOCATE )     22 October 2010

All members of society meet for this subject and know how many rupees pay in discharge the entry and collect the money from each members and pay this amount in land revenue department and clear this entry. This is resposibility of Chairman and Secretory of Society why they are not interest in this matter. U give a application for that and thenafter they have not take any action for that u give application in Jilla registrar of Society. (If society in city area u give application in Jilla registrar of  Housing Society, Krushibhavan, Paldi, Ahmedabad and If society in Rural / Auda area u give application at Meghaninagar, Ahmedabad.)     

Paritosh Jani (Self)     12 November 2010


My father has given written application to society, lets see what happens next.  As per society, they have stopped paying the land revenue as none of the surrounding societies are paying it. Is there any way I can get statistical information on defaulters in  our area (Ahmedabad).

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