I was in affair from past 10 yrs. As i also want to marry with him.
My family opposes this marriage and do a strong emotional drama in front of me. My mother got hospitalized falsley. they do the engagment to other guy.
Before this marriage took place, I convince other guy and his family to whom i was getting married by my parent not to marriage.( I did not tell tem about my affai and wish to marry him)
They agree and ask my parents that both groom & bride do not want to marry, so we are cancelling this engagment. That Guy's cousin sister is get married to my cousin brother 5 yr back having 3 yr baby.
This all happens before 2 days of marriage. On the same day my family blacmailed them if they refuse to
this marriage, then they will divorce their cousin daughter.
On this ground, forcefully this marrige happened without both groom & bride wish.
Now, I do not want to continue this marriage, here are more concern to me also
1. - I am fear to get killed by my parents, so i do not want to live with my parents.
2. - I do not believe that my said husband will give mutual concsent for this due to his sister problem
3. - We do not get physically intercource
4.- Can this marriage get nullfy.
5. - What should i do to nullfy by my own efforts