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Rahul-0007 (Others)     12 February 2014

To nullify divorce transfer to nagpur based on medical groun

To nullify Divorce transfer to Nagpur based on medical grounds? (NOTE: Grounds of filing for divorce is at the very bottom)


Dear Sir,


I have studies and worked in USA for last 12 years, during which period I had met a terrible accident in 2003, after which I was hospitalized for 6 & half months. I had following injuries:

  • ·         Open Heart Surgery - Aneurysm – So after repairing it the Heart Surgeons attached an artificial graft to my Thoracic Aorta.
  • ·         Right leg (Tieabia & Feburla bones broken) – Placed a Titanium Rod in my right leg.
  • ·         Had a severe Head Injury, as the left skull was broken, so I get loss balance while walking.
  • ·         Had Hernia operation on my abdomen.
  • ·         I was in Coma for 4 months so in that period I had developed Bed Sour on my left feet.


I am from Kolhapur and my wife is from Nagpur. She has done M-Tech from IIT New Delhi and is a Class-I officer at PWD, where she wants to transfer the case to Nagpur Currently I am unemployed. Also this accident was in 2003 and at first she totally denied all the allegations that I was ever in any accident, so I provided the discharge summary from Scott & White Hospital, Texas. Now their new allegation is that the accident was in 2003 and I have totally recovered.


We are going to have a last hearing date 2 weeks from now (Last week of Feb. 2014) and then the Judge will decide if the case has to be transferred to Nagpur or NOT.


Even my attorney told me that even the Judge said that all the laws are leaning towards women, so either you produce latest documents saying that he is unfit to travel, or the case will be transferred. MY QUESTIONS:


1)      Is the judge allowed to say that all the laws are leaning towards women, when the law has to be “Gender Nutral”?

2)      The opponents claim that I have recovered, but how is the artificial graft attached to my heart will recover or the same with the rod in my right leg?


Bad Circumstances on my side: I even went to the Government hospital, for making the new certificate, but after making me do all the tests, the heart surgeon is pushing the case to orthopedic and he is pushing it to podiatry…etc So finally one nurse told me that: “Your work will never be done in next 100 years unless to have a Strong Vashila/Recommendation from a big shot politician”. THAT IS MY POOR FATE!!!


Side Note: So what do you kind people suggest I should do? Everything here I have said is 100% truth but I am ALONE suffering, but the stupid biased laws are supporting my cruel wife who even Physically Tortured me by scratching my face till it was bleeding all over (I still have visible scars on my face, head and scalp, MADE A POLICE REPORT – Baltimore Police Station). But my lawyer said that it doesn’t help the transfer of the case. This we can contest for divorce later on.


How can I stop the transfer, because I know my cruel wife will drag this case to torture me and my family.


GROUNDS FOR DIVORCE: Mental and Physical torture. For Physical torture, made a Police Complaint in Baltimore in Jan. 2011, After she returned to India in Jan 2011, we have been separated for last 3 years, but for the 1 st birthday of our son (April 2011) she refused all my family members to come to Nagpur for visit; Comparing her husband worse than Indian clerks or waiters (have her emails as a proof) She has created many fights among my brothers + Sister-in-laws, she goes to our relatives house and bad-mouth about us. She forced me to buy her Gold + Diamond + Emerald + Ruby jewelry worth thousands of US Dollars  on my credit card and now claims that they are all fake from USA (What Bull $hit!!!)…and the list goes on and on………………

NOTE: Denying my past health history as non-existent and then as in-accurate also constitutes, as a MENTAL TORTURE !!! And all this she is lying under oath, in the court thru’ written responses/rejoinder, and still the law/system has made biased rules to support her……..WOW!!!




 1 Replies

Shantanu Wavhal (Worker)     12 February 2014
ITEM NO.53                    COURT NO.4                     SECTION XVIA

              S U P R E M E   C O U R T   O F   I N D I A

                           RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS



ANINDITA DAS                                                Petitioner(s)


SRIJIT DAS                                                  Respondent(s)

(With appln(s) for stay and office report )


T.P.(C) NO. 146 of 2005

(With appln(s) for stay and early hearing and office report)

Date: 29/08/2005  These Petitions were called on for hearing today.




For Petitioner(s)           Mr. Ranjan Mukherjee,Adv.

For Respondent(s) Mr. Pramod Ahuja, Adv. 

                                        Mr. Arun K. Sinha,Adv.

                                        Mr. Rakesh Singh, Adv. 

                                        Mr. Mukesh Kumar Sinha, adv. 

                                        Mr. S. Rohit Kumar, Adv. 

                                        Mr. Rahul Gupta, Adv.

           UPON hearing counsel the Court made the following

                               O R D E R 

                                  The transfer petitions are dismissed in terms of the signed orders. 

                          (K.K. Chawla)                                        (Jasbir Singh)

                          Court Master                                           Court Master

[Two separate signed orders are placed on the files]

                                     IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA

                                       CIVIL ORIGINAL JURISDICTION

                         TRANSFER PETITION (CIVIL) NO.146 OF 2005 

ANINDITA DAS                                                Petitioner(s)


SRIJIT DAS                                                  Respondent(s)

                                                         O R D E R

                      In   this   case   notice   was   issued   limited   to   the   question   whether

         Respondent-husband   is   willing   to   pay  all   expenses   for   travel  and   stay  of   the

         Petitioner-wife and a companion. 

                      It is sought to be argued that in spite of the limited notice the petition

         should be  made absolute.   In our view, once a  limited notice is issued  it means

         that   the   other  reliefs   already  stand   rejected.     The   relief   in   the   Petition   must

         thereafter be confined only to those covered by the limited notice.

                      On  behalf  of   the  Respondent  it  is   stated   that  he  is   willing  to   pay  all

         expenses for travel and stay for the Petitioner and her companion for every visit

         when the  Petitioner is required to attend the Court at Delhi.  

                      Accordingly, we dismiss the Transfer Petition.  We, however, direct that

         the Respondent shall send in advance money for a 2nd class A.C. train journey for

         the Petitioner and a companion.  The Respondent shall also pay stay expenses of

         the Petitioner and her companion in a 3 Star Hotel for each and every occasion

         when she is required to attend the Court at Delhi.   The trial  court  shall ensure

that these monies are paid. 


                                (S.N. Variava)


                                (H.K. Sema)

New Delhi; 

August 29, 2005.

                                     IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA

                                       CIVIL ORIGINAL JURISDICTION

                         TRANSFER PETITION (CIVIL) NO.191 OF 2005 

ANINDITA DAS                                                Petitioner(s)


SRIJIT DAS                                                  Respondent(s)

                                                         O R D E R

                      This transfer petition has been filed by the wife on the ground that the

         Petitioner has a small child of six years.  She has further claimed that she has no

         source of income and it is difficult for her to attend the Court at Delhi.  She has

         further claimed that she is not keeping good health. 

                      In support of this Petition, large number of authorities have been cited,

         namely,   Reena   Bahri   v.   Ajay   Bahri   reported   in   (2002)   10   SCC   136,   Leena

         Mukherjee  v.   Rabi   Shankar  Mukherjee  reported   in  (2002)   10   SCC   480,   Ram

         Gulam Pandit and Anr. v. Umesh J. Prasad reported in (2002) 10 SCC 551 and

         Rajwinder  Kaur  v.   Balwinder  Singh   reported   in   (2003)   11   SCC   726.     These

         authorities are  all based on the facts of their  respective cases.   They do  not  lay

         down any particular law which operates as a precedent. 

                      Even   otherwise,   it   must   be   seen   that   at   one   stage   this   Court   was

         showing leniency to ladies.  But since then it has been found that a large number

         of transfer petitions are filed by women taking advantage of the leniency taken by

         this Court.     On an average at least 10 to 15 transfer petitions are on Board of

each  Court  on  each  admission  day.    It   is,   therefore,  clear  that  leniency  of   this

Court is  being misused by the women.  

              This  Court  is  now  required  to  consider  each  petition  on  its  merit.    In

this case the ground taken by the wife is that she has a small child and that there

is nobody to keep her child. The child, in this case, is six years old and there are

grand parents available to look after the child. The Respondent is willing to pay

all  expenses  for  travel  and  stay  for  the  Petitioner  and  her  companion  for  every

visit   when  the   Petitioner  is   required   to   attend   the   Court  at  Delhi.     Thus,   the

ground that the Petitioner has no source of income is adequately met.

              Except for stating that her health is not good, no particulars are given.

On  the  ground  that  she  is   not  able  to  come  to  Delhi  to   attend  the  Court  on  a

particular  date,   she   can   always   apply   for   exemption   and   her  application   will

undoubtedly be considered on its merit.  Hence, no ground for transfer has been

made out. 

              Accordingly, we dismiss the Transfer Petition.  We, however, direct that

the  Respondent shall pay all travel and  stay expenses of the Petitioner  and her

companion for each and every occasion when she is required to attend the Court

at Delhi. 

              The Respondent shall send in advance to the Petitioner money for a 2nd

Class A.C. train ticket for herself and a companion.   The Respondent shall also

pay  stay  expenses  of  the  Petitioner  and  her  companion  in  a    3-Star  Hotel.  The

trial  court  shall  ensure  that  the  Petitioner  has  been  paid  the  travel  expenses  in

advance and that the hotel expenses are paid to her on each and every occasion

when she is required to attend the Court at Delhi.


                                              (S.N. Variava)


                                              (H.K. Sema)

New Delhi; 

August 29, 2005.

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