I want to transfer a divorce case form one sate to other state by e-filing by supreme court. Can any one tell me the fees for e-filing this transfer petition by e-filing from supreme court web site. ALso I have got doubt while trying to file it.
Affidavid. What should be the matter here.
Case Type :- which case type? (Short form for the case type).
What is the appearance Memo which has to be attached. (Divorce case is going on in other state. Only tha lawyer is attending it and taking the dates. But didnt couter file. Earlier I recieved the dates from the court but now I am not as the lawyer is taking the dates. So what to attach there?)
As a heading Caveator. (What should be entered here or have leave it blank?)
Central /State (Which option can be choosen?)
Section rules/Article No. (Is it section 25 or what?)