Dear all,
What is the process of changing the family court within a juridiction, What kind of application need to be filled, the complexities involved in it.Where to fill it.
Thanks all,
kumarkumar (business) 16 July 2015
Dear all,
What is the process of changing the family court within a juridiction, What kind of application need to be filled, the complexities involved in it.Where to fill it.
Thanks all,
saravanan s (legal advisor) 16 July 2015
if you want to transfer the case within a state then file a transfer petition in high court and if in between states then supreme court
Unless U come out with the correct information we cannot guide U in the right way.
Adv k . mahesh (advocate) 17 July 2015
the address which you have stated with that the jurisdiction will be decided and if you had shifted from one city to other and want to change then you have to file a transfer petition in the high court stating you inconveninece