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habeeb (business)     17 November 2010

transfer of property act - Please reply asap

The transfer of property act amendment 2002(3 of 2003) in the book of universal law publishing company pvt ltd. delhi author by Dr.Avtar Singh (second edition 2009 , reprinted 2010) as follows,

1.Subs. by Act 3 of 2003,sec 2,for section 106(w.e.f.31-12-2002).Section 106,before substitution,stood as under: "106.Duration of certain leases in absence of written contract or local usage- In the absence of a contract or local law or usage to the contrary,a lease of immoveable property for agricultural or manufacturing purposes shall be deemed to be a lease from year to year,terminable,on the part of either lessor or lessee,by six months notice expiring with the end of a year of the tenancy; and a lease of immoveable property for any other purpose shall be deemed to be a lease from month to month,terminable,on the part of either lessor or lessee,by fifteen days notice expiring with the end of a month of the tenancy. In the case of "Rabindra Nath Pal vs Dr. Subodh Chandra Halder on 16 May, 2005" According to Mr. Roychowdhury, in fact, exhibit 6 is the notice whereas exhbit 6Ka is the reminder. It is submitted again that provision of Section 106 of the T.P. Act was amended in 2002 by Act 3 of 2003 whereby the provisions "with the expiry of the tenancy month" has been abolished. It is also argued that by Section 8 of that Amendment Act such amendment was given retrospective effect. Which is the proper one among the above two? Please reply as early as possible.

 5 Replies

JT Rajasuriya, Chennai (Advocate 98410 53790)     17 November 2010

You seem to have done some research.Why don't you find out the answer by yourself for the benefit of everyone?

Aniket Giri (ADVOCATE)     26 November 2010


, by fifteen days' notice expiring with the end of a month of the tenancy.

Ramakrishna Ponnekanti (ADVOCATE)     11 February 2011

There is no apparent conflict in the views. As per amendment what is done away is not the requirement of fifteen days notice ending with the end of the month of tenancy,but the absolute requirement to be completed before filing suit. To say th retrospective nature can be demonstrated by following:Notice is given on 15th to vacate by 31st.Received on 30th. Suit filed on next first Good. NEXT NOTICE GIVEN ON 15TH BUT RECIVED ON 21ST AND SUIT FILED ON FIRST WHICH IS BEYOND 15 DAYS OF RECEIPT THOUGH ENDING WITH MONTH OF TENANCY BUT RECEIVED WITHOUT GIVING 15 DAYS NOTICE. tHIS SUIT IS BAD BEFORE AMENDMENT. bUT NOTICE GIVEN BEFORE OR AFTER AMENDMENT BUT IF SUIT FILED ON 7TH OF NEXT MONTH EVENTHOUGH NOTICE SERVED NOT PROVIDING 15 DAYS TIME BEFORE END OF MONTH OF TENANCY BUT 15 DAYS BEFORE FILING SUIT IS GOOD. tHE INTENTION IS THOUGH 15 DAYS TIME IS NOT GIVEN OR MENTIONED BUT IF 15 DAYS IS WAITED BEFORE FILING SUIT IT IS ENOUGH.

Y V Vishweshwar Rao (Advocate )     22 February 2011

I agree with Rama Krsihan Ponnekanti Advoate ! 

Bhushan V. Kale (Lawyer)     22 February 2011

Yes, 15 days time is mandatory, however the tenancy shall be terminate at the end of month. Suppose, the notice is served on 5th day of month, the notice period will expiry on 20th day, but the tenancy will terminate on last day of that month. 

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