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R.SHAH (OFFICE STAFF)     23 July 2013

Transferring criminal case

hi all, i m the accused in false 498a case, now my matter is kept for final argument almost last 7 months, when it was finally fixed by the judge on following date unfortunately the judge get internal transfer and new judge was assigned to the court room where my case was. on first date of this new judge it happened to be a previous judge who gets transferred after 3 years as per adminitrative and now she again back to this district court and sadly happened to be judge in my case. she was always shouting upon me by looking i don't know why and not ready to listen when i mentioned breifing about the case, that it was kept for fina argument but she ignore to look the case record and allow the pp request for adjournment without concerning us and without knowing the who's representing whom. i keep passion on next date again when i appeared she start speaking loudly to me why you come and what for and asking to the clerk is his case is on todays board without refering to daily board, and again give next date upon pp request for adjournment when i agitate she said you should not talk when i said madam pls. listen to the rozanama that previous judge already allow many oppurtunity to pp to bring the HC order copy as pp mentioned on 6 months back that they have preferred letter to law & judiciary dept. for filing writ petition against closing evidence stage. but till date they have not produced and specific direction of hc or any writ pettion number/document if they file in HC. but this new judge pass order that state to produced particulars of wirt on next date and when i saidmadam the same excuse by pp given in her adjourn appln. and this is repatitve order as was pass by privuos judge 3 months back and after this kept for final argument instead of going forward in the case the court is going back and 3rd time privous judge close evidence of prosecution after giving many oppurtunity and 313 statement also over. new judge never bother what i say and never look to the rozanamas.

thereafter, on another date which was not 498a date but another case date wherein myself is the complianant and my ex-wife is the accused, that matter is at the stage of PR bond to decide them but got transfer and come on this new judge court where my 498a is pending, looking to this she again speaking loudly why you come and asked clerk too, when we mentioned that this is another case and today got transfer in this court, she never intend to listen us and given to clerk to decide PR bond at last nothing happen she talk all irrelevant things and mixed up all case and start forcing me to get settlement, when i said after 8 years and at the stage of final argument hoew i can settle by giving her onetime settlement amount. Now i loose hope from this judge for getting jusitfied order on merit of my cases, also i have past bad experinece with this judge who was in this court in year 2009 and sadly my matter comes to her she in one date passed harsh order against me, i was intend to file appeal on small order then my adv. suggest me we have another option in this proceeding and luckly she got transfer to another court within 3 motnhs as there was complainst agisnt her as she quarrel with adv. too.


kindlly advice i need to get reansfer both the cases to anohter court, what i should do. i have no faith on this judge.


 1 Replies

Kiran Kumar (Lawyer)     23 July 2013

Get Certified Copies of Proceeding Orders of your case.


Better approach High Court either by way of complaint or by way of some appropriate petitioner for Expediating of Tiral.


You lawyer will assess the necessity as per the facts and circumstances of the case.

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