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Ramesh ( )     20 October 2012

Trapped in void marriage help me please

Hi everyone, I would beg and request you for your advice to get me out of this trap and it seems i would even loose my mental balance because of the situation in which i got trapped.

I am NRI working and living in USA on green card and previously i was married with an American citizen and our marriage only lasted for 2yrs.We applied for divorce and during our 1yr separation period i  visited my family in India and without my knowledge my parents selected a girl for me to get married in India.My parents were not aware about my marriage or divorce but i told everything about this to the girl and got engaged with her so after the divorce i can return to India and get married.

Now after few months i was called by my parents to visit India immediately and when i visited i came to know that my marriage date has been fixed which was a shock for me as the girl was aware that i am not divorced but she agreed for the date.The marriage was a ceremonial Hindu marriage and later when the girl forced me to get the marriage registered i told her i cannot as i will only get divorced from my previous marriage after 5 months and its illegal but she behaved rude with me and said its my problem now i am married with her and do what she says.I did not touch the girl and i returned to US but she is threatening me that she can charge me with various cases and ruin my life.It seems as she had full knowledge about all laws.I don't have any proof to show that she was aware about my previous marriage and divorce proceedings.

I read that performing Hindu ceremonial marriage when a wife is alive is void and its also considered bigamy.I am now divorced from my previous marriage but during the marriage ceremony in India  i was legally separated but not divorced.

Please le me know how can i get out of this as it seems that she can blackmail me whole her life.


 8 Replies

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     20 October 2012


Originally posted by : Ramesh


XXX request you for your advice to get me out of this trap and it seems i would even loose my mental balance because of the situation in which i got trapped.

I am NRI working and living in USA on green card and previously i was married with an American citizen and our marriage only lasted for 2yrs.We applied for divorce and during our 1yr separation period i  visited my family in India and without my knowledge my parents selected a girl for me to get married in India.My parents were not aware about my marriage or divorce but i told everything about this to the girl and got engaged with her so after the divorce i can return to India and get married.

Now after few months i was called by my parents to visit India immediately and when i visited i came to know that my marriage date has been fixed which was a shock for me as the girl was aware that i am not divorced but she agreed for the date.The marriage was a ceremonial Hindu marriage and later when the girl forced me to get the marriage registered i told her i cannot as i will only get divorced from my previous marriage after 5 months and its illegal but she behaved rude with me and said its my problem now i am married with her and do what she says.I did not touch the girl and i returned to US but she is threatening me that she can charge me with various cases and ruin my life.It seems as she had full knowledge about all laws.I don't have any proof to show that she was aware about my previous marriage and divorce proceedings.

I read that performing Hindu ceremonial marriage when a wife is alive is void and its also considered bigamy.I am now divorced from my previous marriage but during the marriage ceremony in
India  i was legally separated but not divorced.

Please le me know how can i get out of this as it seems that she can blackmail me whole her life.


1. In my opinion in facts "you were more aware of Laws than this girl in question" Marriages here are not like some Made in America lollipops that when you intentionally get in trouble then you cry about adversial Laws of the land ! I am straight forward on your facts whether you like it or not.

2. Be it so it is now for the girl side to apply for making void the marriage. Punishment are there for you which you will come to know in a short while from her / her side. Boldly face them. 

We fail to understand now what is the reason that you are not going for Registration of Marriage when Hindu Ceremonies are already material for the purpose of any case on Court floor?  There is no question of trap here with "wide open eyes" you agreed for whole of it first engagement thinking after divorce I will come back and marry this girl (kept this girls hope alive) then married her fully aware that your divorce has not come thru then when Registration of Marriage topic comes all you could have said to this girl if you are only revealing all these to the girl and not to your own PARENTS was to delay it if you are now projecting yourself as the "victim of Indian law" but that also didnot happen instead now this girl is termed as LL.M in Indian Laws.

Com’n these cheatings should not be encouraged in healthy society are some of my views and all a pleader can come handy now is getting you lesser punishment on social grounds which also depends on moods of Lordship! Are you ready for redemption from bottom of your heart? Think…Think….

Ramesh ( )     20 October 2012

Thank you Taj for your reply.

In a ceremonial marriage i don't have to sign a legal document while Registering a marriage i have to sign a legal paper which states if i was married or not at the time of marriage and i have to sign the affidavit which is taking legal oath and the marriage registration is proof in US consulate but a ceremony is something which has no value in USA.

Hindu Ceremonies are already material for the purpose of any case on Court floor only in "India"

As a last resort instead of going to prison in India i would prefer to live illegally in US.

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     20 October 2012


Originally posted by : Ramesh
  In a ceremonial marriage i don't have to sign a legal document while Registering a marriage i have to sign a legal paper which states if i was married or not at the time of marriage and i have to sign the affidavit which is taking legal oath and the marriage registration is proof in US consulate but a ceremony is something which has no value in USA.

Hindu Ceremonies are already material for the purpose of any case on Court floor only in "India"

As a last resort instead of going to prison in India i would prefer to live illegally in US.

Fantastic short change reply! See who has better grip of LL.B or LL.M. - she or you as intialy alleged he he 

You all along knew as well as I know more than you, you can live illegally as long as arms of her / her advocate does not reach you but hey listen she can always put to test her Indian arms on your parents / relatives still living legally in India.

How would you counter that now young man he he


1 Like

Ramesh ( )     20 October 2012

Do you mean like the climax of those old Bollywood movies the villain kidnaps the parents,brothers and sisters to bring the hero :(

If she cannot reach my balls then how far she can go and how far she can harm my parents and relatives ?To what extent things can go ?

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     20 October 2012


Originally posted by : Ramesh
  Do you mean like the climax of those old Bollywood movies the villain kidnaps the parents,brothers and sisters to bring the hero

If she cannot reach my balls then how far she can go and how far she can harm my parents and relatives ?To what extent things can go ?

baki ka Indianwood gyan abhi baki hai samajhana thumhe...........

1 Like

Mukund (IMA)     20 October 2012

There is nothing to worry and i would advice you to consult a good lawyer.There are many loopholes in our Indian legal system and this is the reason why terrorist like Kasab is enjoying his biryani.

She can only harm your parents and relatives with 498a weapon for which if they get an AB then nothing more can be done and your parents and relatives cannot be harmed for any of your fault. Live your life in US better than India.

Shantanu Wavhal (Worker)     20 October 2012

Com’n these cheatings should not be encouraged in healthy society are some of my views and all a pleader can come handy now is getting you lesser punishment on social grounds which also depends on moods of Lordship! Are you ready for redemption from bottom of your heart? Think…Think….


the author has done 2nd marriage KNOWINGLY & INTENTIONALLY.

JANAK RAJ VATSA (ADVOCATE)     27 October 2012

better to own up and accept your folly and make mends instead of getting into the legal hassles

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