Can any one buy a piece of tribal land or an agricultaral land to construct a house.
robert (Manager) 14 September 2010
Can any one buy a piece of tribal land or an agricultaral land to construct a house.
Hemant Agarwal ( Mumbai : 9820174108) 15 September 2010
1. In India, buying & selling of Tribal Land is prohibited, by non-tribals. However any statutory agency or the Govt. itself may "acquire", "ANY" land of anybody, wherever in India.
2. A Tribal person is entitled to buy or sell Tribal Land, amongst themselves.
3. IF you marry a Tribal Woman, then your Tribal-Wife can easily buy any land.
4. On other category of agricultural land, you cannot construct a House or a Bungalow or a Palace, IF YOU ARE NOT A LOCAL RESIDENT, in the records of the gram panchayat.
However you are entitled to build a Farm-House in 1% of the total land holding, with the written permission of the Gram Panchayat, even if you are not a local resident.
For a broader & general perspective, please read the following link :
Keep Smiling .... Hemant Agarwal
anand iyer (MD) 27 April 2015
can a trust buy adivasi land in maharashtra