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Trick to get RTI replies before 30 Days

PIO give reply  on 30th day only even to the RTI applications,which can be replied  in a single day.

So I suggest some  measures so that we can receive replies earlier than  30 days i.e. in one or two weeks??

We should add in our applications.

Kindly provide the each and every movement details of this RTI application till its disposal.

Kindly provide the provision of punishment available for officials deliberately delaying the disposal of matter.

Suggest some thing from your valuable knowledge,intellect and experience.

 10 Replies

Dhawal Bhandari (ADVOCATE)     12 September 2010

me also eager to find............


Also these two sentences can be added in the RTI applications to get a fast disposal---


01. Please get me the certified copy of the Office Note through which the application was dealt and 

02. the name and designation of all the officials/officer who were involved in the process of preparing and supplying the information.

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RANJISH aaaa (own)     19 September 2010

It is too much to ask such questions and put the PIO's into trouble.....courts may not appreciate such questions.......if the information is not provided as per the act, you have to go on appeal that is it

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R.Ramachandran (Advocate)     23 September 2010

Dear Mr. Ranjish,

Don't worry.  Even the information regarding the each and every movement details of this RTI application till its disposal, will be provided only on the 30th day. 

So what.  Nothing will happen.  After all, no one can question as to why so and so took so and so time to clear the paper.  It is not the only thing that will be available with the official / officer. 

To seek the movement of the paper from one seat to another, a separate RTI application has to be submitted and the said query cannot be put in the same application.  This is because, at that point of time, there is no information available with the public authority! The information will get generated only when the first application has been received, dealt with and disposed off!

As rightly pointed out by you, when the Statute itself recognises and provides that the information sought has to be given within 30 days.

As the government has taken quite a long time to introduce this RTI tool, so the public also will take quite a long time to understand the importance of such a good tool, and to use it in a mature manner.  Till such time one has to endure all the side effects and if I may say so "idiosyncracies".




Very good Dear Tushar.  But it is very unfortunate that your participation here is banned by LCI.  We are missing you badly.  A brilliant alert citizen is discouraged by LCI and this loss cannot not be recovered.  Now here we are only hearing jokes and stories.


We have sent the following application and asked the details of each movement of dealing of RTI Applications and Appeals.


Thanks to you and best regards.







                                                                  Date: 16.09.2010

From:  Nilesh Wankhede

          District President,

          Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Democratic Rights Forum,

          “Ambedkar Sewa Sadan”, Tilak Ward, Post-WARORA,

           Distt. Chandrapur (Maharashtra)PIN-442907.


To:     Public Information Officer

          Social Justice and Special Assistance Department,

          Secretariat of Mhrashtra, Mantralaya, Mumbai – 32.




          I, Nilesh Wankhede, as a citizen of India, required some information under RTI Act 2005, which is being kept & controlled by your office.


  1. I have sent the 6 applications to public Information Officer and 4 appeals to Appellate Authority of Social Justice Department, Mantralaya mumbai-32 as detailed below;


(i)           Application dated 16.10.2009

(ii)          Application dt. 02.03.2010 and Appeal dt. 09.04.2010

(iii)        Application dt. 03.04.2010 and Appeal dt. 05.06.2010

(iv)        Pplication dt. 06.06.2010 and Appeal dt 20.07.2010

(v)         Application dt. 18.06.2010 and Appeal dt. 27.07.2010

(vi)        Application and 25.08.2010.


  1. I have sent an application dated 13.04.2010 to Pubic Information, Directorate of Information Technology, mantralaya, Mumbai-32 and my said application was forwarded to Public Information Officer, Social Justice and Special Assistance department vide letter No.MaTaSa/Sandarbha-10/1883/Ka-39 dated 19.04.2010.


Please give me following information in connection with the above;


I am in need of documentary certified copies of records as to dates on which my above documents received by Social Justice Department and the dates on which the replies of concerned public authorities have been dispatched to me.  Therefore, please give me attested copies of extract of registers and soft copies of computerised records including DJMS records in the form of Diskette (CD).




The court fees stamp valued Rs.10/- is affixed on this application toward fees for application for information under RTI Act 2005. 


I am ready to pay all required charges as per provision. 


I will personally collect the information or by any of my representative for which I may be informed on my mobile phone number 9322246333 or by speed post, to avoid delay in communication, whenever the information is ready so that I will arrange to pay the charges and collect the information.



Place: Warora, Chandrapur.                    (Nilesh Wankhede)

Date:  16.09.2010                                     Signature of Applicant


R. Rama chander, U are absolutely wrong ,not in your response but in choice of words also----"idiosyncracies"

Look RTI officials play a game of Hide and seek with the applicants.Even if they won't give each and every detail of the movement of the RTI ,they are asked to give as much information as possible,so of course they are bound to give all the details of the movements of the RTI as demanded by this RTI itself.because till the disposal of reply of this RTI every thing would have been recorded.So adding  sentences suggested by the initiator of this thread may certainly result in quick delivery of the reply to the RTI's.

Moreover,addition of these lines would certainly give a clear idea to the PIO's and their staff,that even if they do not give answer of the movement of the RTI ,the next RTI may be shot by the same applicant asking for the movements of the previous RTI,so they may avoid delay.

It was an idea to be tried,how U could declare this "idiosyncracies"

Certainly if U would have not been an advocate u would have been banned for using such a phrase,but here at LCI U would not be banned because U have a privilege being an advocate.

Jonathan D (Practising Advocate)     28 December 2010

If there is a time limit of 30 days as defined by the legislation, asking such a question, in my opinion will not expedite the matter. However, this option may be explored. Has anybody tried this and suceeded?

Praveen (none)     01 January 2011

I prefer to wait till 31st day... as it will save me the fees.

RANJISH aaaa (own)     02 January 2011

Please dont give such foolish ideas to people. RTI act is more misused that being used. Do you know how much of valuable time and effort are wasted by institutions such as banks for answering querries from loan defaulters, who just want to drag on things and putting the bank officials on constant pressure by making RTI applications one after the other. Actually instutitions such as banks should be excluded from the purview of RTI Act. Further it should also be made compulosy that only one question is raised in a RTI application, so that the tendency of people in asking more than 100 questions in one RTI application can be avoided. There is some hope in this respect as the government is going to amend the RTI rules and making restricitons to the effect that an RTI application should contain questions on only one subject matter and that the total number of words should be restricted to 250, which restrictions would, if not fully, but could to an extent, restrict unscrupous RTI applicants. Actually I feel that there should also be a restriction to the effect that only a person who has some interest in the subject matter should be allowed to make application under RTI Act.

My message to RTI Activists: Please dont harass CPIO's in the name of RTI. One more legislation which has been introduced for a good purpose is being misused.........

NAYANMONI   25 August 2017

You can ask as many questions you want throgh RTI application. There's no specific rule on RTI act  and its not going to be amended. Banks Officials don't like  RTI because they are involved in more anomalies than any other PIO. so go ahead and ask anything you want.

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