We have a farm land in which 2 Trusties name appear in Occupier/Owner (7/12) and Pani Patrak(Form No 12) (Till Today) . Tenant (Ganotiya's) Name appear in Second Right.
Both the trusties have died in 1945 to 1950. After that still the land appears in their name and after death of Ganotiya, his children name have been added in Second Right (Hak)
One of the trusties is my GreatGrandFather. My Grand Father has died as well in 1985.
Great Grandfathers Name also appear as Mortgagee in Second Right.(7/12)
Now how I claim this land. What is the procedure? Do I have a right to it? It is Gujarat.
Krushi Panch Have made some order in 1979. We have never appeared for it. We came to know about the land after 5 decades. What needs to be done?
Please tell me what needs to be done to get ant right from this farm Land.