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Dhiraj Srivastava (Finance Manager)     17 January 2017

Truth lab testing of audio video with affidavit?

Dear Experts,

I have got done audio video testing from M/s Truth lab Bangalore on my cost. Now I intend to submit the same in my Affidavit for evidence. Then, I will request court to send summon to Truth Lab for giving expert testimony if opposite party challenge the same.

Is it a correct procedure? My advocate suggest that give evidence excluding report. But, earlier he suggested me to call a video maker or some software person who can give testimony that tempring not done. Since, I was not convinced for calling a fake person (since video and audio recorded by me in mobile), I opted for forensic test as per verbal discussion with M/s Truth lab.

Please advise.



 7 Replies

r.sathyanarayanan   17 January 2017

You are right.go ahead.

Mukesh sharma (job )     17 January 2017

Hi Dhiraj its all depend on court you submit all avidence and if opposite party challange to this than court give to you ordr to call concern person for present in court and give avidence on this 


Dhiraj Srivastava (Finance Manager)     18 January 2017

Dear R.sathyanarayanan ji and Mukeshji,

Thanks for your reply. Hope both of you are advocate.




P. Venu (Advocate)     18 January 2017

Your understanding is correct. Your advocate is less than professional.

windowsxp   25 January 2017

Don't worry apposition party has to challenge then you can request court to send for forensic test, no need of truth lab expert etc

Dhiraj Srivastava (Finance Manager)     27 January 2017

Dear Sirs,

Thanks for deliberating on the issue. I forget to mention that, Original Memory card i had submitted in the court and copy of the same was avaialble with me. The copy of same was sent in pen drive and M/s Truth lab has opined that no tempering, editing, mixing etc done and the Audio and video represent true conversation and incidents recorded in a truly occurred event.

Now my advocate is saying that I should not have gone for the testing of copy as it does not have evidence value and should have applied for obtaining copy of the same from court by an Expert (say by Truth Lab expert). He suggested to call an expert and take the copy from court and then submit the report on it.

I am saying that its not a criminal case. Even the copy of the same should be valid when original memory card is there in court and opposite party and court have right to verify the original card also. 

Please advise. 

Regards, Dhiraj

Originally posted by : Dhiraj Srivastava
Dear Sirs,

Thanks for deliberating on the issue. I forget to mention that, Original Memory card i had submitted in the court and copy of the same was avaialble with me. The copy of same was sent in pen drive and M/s Truth lab has opined that no tempering, editing, mixing etc done and the Audio and video represent true conversation and incidents recorded in a truly occurred event.

Now my advocate is saying that I should not have gone for the testing of copy as it does not have evidence value and should have applied for obtaining copy of the same from court by an Expert (say by Truth Lab expert). He suggested to call an expert and take the copy from court and then submit the report on it.

I am saying that its not a criminal case. Even the copy of the same should be valid when original memory card is there in court and opposite party and court have right to verify the original card also. 

Please advise. 

Regards, Dhiraj

You need to have able counsel who can properly represent you in your case.  Change advocate ASAP.

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