My mother was born in 1955 in St Pancras, London, United kingdom. we have her original birth certificate and the certified copy both. At that time her name was lets say "K". My grandfather was an Assistant proffessor in university of london then. After 3years or so they moved to India, where my mother's name was changed to "R". the school records name is saying "R".
I enquired about it with a UK attorney on phone and he told that a name change deed poll has to be drafted(i have rough language what to include provided online). and that it has to be stamped some what like "VALID OUTSIDE INDIA ALSO" or similar.. that means that it should be accepted in abroad. I talked with some one who is a lawyer of land issues and he didnt gave me a satisfactory answer..
pls help in this regard. how much expenses would be incurred.. thanks in advance