Ritu 08 January 2018
Ms.Usha Kapoor (CEO) 09 January 2018
After Issuing legal notice of 15 days t yur Management to settle your dues including yor F&F if you don't receive a satiis factory reply from them if you are an officer you file a civil suit for recovery of Your F&F from Management or if you are a worker approach labour court as the Management policy smacks of highhandedness.arbitrary,illrgal. unconstitutioal.unfair trade practice and viictimization; you try approaching the Management along withyour employees union.Certainly you'd get relief.
Ritu 09 January 2018
thank you mam for your advice....regds
Ms.Usha Kapoor (CEO) 09 January 2018
Dear Ms,Ritu,
When all of you are going to announce today's likes results?