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Abhijeet (team manager)     17 May 2012

Unpaid bill of idea



I stay in mumbai and had applied for an IDEA post-paid connection on 1st Dec 2011, but due to insufficint docs my card was not activated after submission of documents it got activated on 10th Dec 2011 @ 5 pm.

I made 3-4 calls to my friends to give my new no.

On 11th Dec 2011 @ 2 PM, I received a sms saying my unbilled amount is Rs. 1100/-.

I visited the gallery and told them this issue they asked me to wait till next month till bill is generated but I returned the card back to them as I did not wanted to paid for which I have not used.

Now on 21st April 2011, I received a call from Delhi Court it seems that IDEA has filled a case against me for fraud.

I told that officer to send me bifercation of my usage and if liable I will pay the amount.

She says to first make the payment or else the case would be registered.


Please help me what should I do?




 9 Replies

Kumar Doab (FIN)     17 May 2012

You should have obtained complaint number for complaint lodged with gallery and acknowledgment of return / disconnection/destruction of SIM card from gallery, and should have demanded call details. You must have transacted in writing under acknowledgment only. You can obtain call detail from website also.

The call from Delhi is by some recovery agency. You may record the call and cajole the calling person to give his/her name company name designation address and name of BM, phone number email id whom you can see in Delhi.

Since you have alleged fraud, you may lodge a police complaint against MD of the company, BM of Local idea Office, gallery staff, and demand call detail, copy of SEF from signed by you for issue of connection, reason why your connection was activated on 10th (if you have any SMS, letter that should also suffice).After the complaint you may exercise your resources and may even approach media. After lodging police complaint ( in writing under acknowledgment) you can adopt RTI route.

The email id of company secretary, MD etc are on website of the company. You can post your complaint and ask for reply at once. You may approach your lawyer.

Consumer forums are dismissing complaints. You may evaluate the option of approaching permanent Lok Adalat.

ADVOCATE Prem Joshi (Advocate/ Legal Consultant)     17 May 2012

Lodge a complaint in customer care or senior management. Below are the email ids.





Sourav Chatterjee (Professional)     17 May 2012

you received a phone call from Delhi Court! every court generally send summons, order or intimation by registered post or by court staff,not a mere phone call to resolve the case. i think this call was from any staff of idea's.

you send a legal notice to idea through a lawyer to file a consummer complaint before the competent jurisdiction if the dispute not solved in a specific period.

Abhijeet (team manager)     17 May 2012

Thanks @Kumar Doab, @Advocate PREM, @Sourav Chatterjee its been a great help.

I will do as you have suggested.

The caller from delhi was a bit rude and sounded like a police officer using offensive language.

I mail it to the Nodal officer and the senior management.

One more thing,

They are calling the numbers I dialled and saying that I have done a fraud and ask him to come to Delhi for the court proscution.

Kumar Doab (FIN)     17 May 2012

You have posted"They are calling the numbers I dialled and saying that I have done a fraud and ask him to come to Delhi for the court proscution."

Note down all the calls received by your near and dear ones. Prepare a list for calling person's phone number date, time of call and start asking everyone to record the calls.If even a few person agree to be your witness you shall succeed in criminal complaint.

These comapnies are littering nuisance and are not fit to be left to loose around in civilised society.

Nodal Officer/Appellate Authority shall not resolve the ugly part of your complaint i.e. threat, coercion, fraud.In all probabilities they shall insist on you to pay.

Aga is probabaly MD.It shall be better to lodge police complaint demanding identity of the owner of the person making phone calls from police and company.You issue legal notice to MD of the company and raise your demands.

In each Police Commissioner/SSP/SP office one/ more personnel have access to record of owners of phone numbers. These personnel can give you the details in a minute.You may apply your resources.

ADVOCATE Prem Joshi (Advocate/ Legal Consultant)     17 May 2012

It is the matter of just Rs. 1100/- only. I have given you the email id of MD, just send the mail and wait for reply.

ADVOCATE Prem Joshi (Advocate/ Legal Consultant)     17 May 2012

If you are not satisfy with the reply of idea, then follow the Mr. Kumar direction.....

Abhijeet (team manager)     17 May 2012

Thanks @Advocate PREM, I have already mailed this concern to the email-id provided by you.

My only concern is they calling the numbers I had dialled.

Its just 3-4 contacts but they are family and friends whom I called.

And such calls really scare the hell out of you.

Kumar Doab (FIN)     17 May 2012

We have just won a case involving Idea.  The DCDRF dismissed the part of complaint involving Billing referring to SC judgment in case of BSNL-M.Krishnan, and asked to go for arbitration, but entertained part of complaint involving DND,SMS and penalized the company. During the complaint the matter was followed up properly and local Regional and Customer Service head rushed to residence of complainant and tendered apology in the presence of society. This was a public shame for the company. The offender employees have been terminated and some of them have been transferred. They requested with folded hands not publish the matter in media. Each connection that gets disconnected is a loss for the company. So almost all companies have circulated an unwritten order and thus matter is put to collection and most of the ill informed, hapless, gullible customers end up paying the inflated amounts. This is precisely the situation where one should help countrymen. Learned members/experts of LCI like Advocate Prem in fact help the fellow countrymen by rendering professional advice and direction.

There are judgments delivered by some DCDRF including at Faridkot vide which the hon'ble forum decided the matters despite SC judgment. Hence it shall depend upon the conviction of President/member of DCDRF if you lodge consumer complaint. If you lodge complaint based on fraud, threat, coercion, harassment this may be rewarding. However you should give an opportunity to MD of the company by providing phone numbers from which calls were made and demand that MD should disclose the complete identity e.g. name with sir name (full name as in certificates of employee submitted to company) designation, department, office address with pin code, official landline number with STD code, mobile number, fax number with STD code, email id company official who has sent your details including your phone number and your relatives phone number ( mention phone numbers) and thus authorized to a collection/recovering agency and or police/court,


name of collection/recovery agency as in records of the government and agreement with Idea,

name with sir name (full name as in certificates of employee submitted to company) designation, department, office address with pin code, official landline number with STD code, mobile number, fax number with STD code, email id of its Prop/Partner/MD/Director whosever is/are owners/promoters of the agency who has received your details( as mentioned above) from Idea


name with sir name (full name as in certificates of employee submitted to company) designation, department, office address with pin code, official landline number with STD code, mobile number, fax number with STD code, email id of the personnel who have made these phone calls.

You may add that since the act of these personnel and company is criminal, illegal company should supply you their residential/permanent address also so that you can prosecute them.

You should also demand complaint number if any issued to your representations made to Gallery and if no complaint number was issued why it was not issued?

You must visit the local Regional Office and find out the names and contact details of local Regional Head, Collection head and if possible record your transactions and make them a party.

When it happens for the first time there are initial hiccups which are exploited by these companies. Once you have handled such matter in your life successfully you shall not feel perturbed. The local councilor, corporator, union leaders, community members may be involved. Exert full pressure. You have been subjected to insult. Chase your complaint with full force and make them pay a price for it.

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