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Satish   30 December 2018

updation of registry document.


I have purhased a row house and completed sale deed in 2015 and registry in 2018. I found that total area of the plot is not mentioned in any of the document. only build up area is mentioned.

Can you guide me how can I update registry document now to include plot area as well ?



 1 Replies

kavksatyanarayana (subregistrar/supdt.(retired))     30 December 2018

Beware of buyers.  the buyers shall verify all necessary credentials in the document.  Without site building cannot be constructed.  So there must be undivided and unspecified of some extent of area of site. How much of total builtup area of your flat?  You subtract your flat builtup area with 9, then the answer is your extent of site(unspecified and undivided out of total extent of the entire site).  But it should be mentioned in the document. so get a rectification deed from the seller.

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