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Legal (gd)     08 May 2016


Sir my case is listed 12 times in High Court out of wh


 5 Replies

Legal (gd)     08 May 2016

My case is listed 12 times in High Court out of which only 3 times it was heard and rest 9 times court didn't reached the matter number in the cause list. So, as I am petitioner in person and high Court is in other city so I have to travel all the time which is causing me physically, mentally and economically so can I write to somebody so that my case should be heard on fixed date ? To whom should I write ? Can I write to Registrar CC to Chief Justice of court ?

Umesh Pandey   08 May 2016

I was born 1995 but i have no birth certificate. So can u help me.

Umesh Pandey   08 May 2016

I was born 1995 but i have no birth certificate. So can u help me.

Originally posted by : 498 warrior
My case is listed 12 times in High Court out of which only 3 times it was heard and rest 9 times court didn't reached the matter number in the cause list. So, as I am petitioner in person and high Court is in other city so I have to travel all the time which is causing me physically, mentally and economically so can I write to somebody so that my case should be heard on fixed date ? To whom should I write ? Can I write to Registrar CC to Chief Justice of court ?


WHY NOT, you can hire services of some local lawyer at the place where the case is being tried.  Registrar CC cannot be made a tool in your case.

However, if you want to save the fee of a lawyer, you will have to bear with the cost of all these physical, mentall and economical botherations.

No alternative. everything costs in the lives of human beings in one or the other form. Bear with that with pleasure.


Originally posted by : Umesh Pandey
I was born 1995 but i have no birth certificate. So can u help me.


@ Mr. Umesh pandey,

Do you feel a harassed 498 warrior can help you in getting you a birth certificate?


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