we got court marriage under special marriage act 1954 dated 28th march 14 followed by hindu ritiriwaz wedding at temple on 8th april 14 with photographs we are both Bank employee but my father in laws totaly against this marriage they somehow manage to back her daughter by promising me and her daughter that they will arrenged our ceremony in publicaly but we losses contact there after they moved to unkonwn place and give me massage through their reletives that they will never send my wife at any will ...they also tell that he and her daughter quit his goverment job as early as possible ....and they will never came back for 4-5 year ..they emontionly blackmailing my wife that if she moves they will mutually sucide .now its been 20 days past no responce soughted what should i do???? what they can do???i somehow manage to know that my wife is safe.......my family is in totaly socked they totaly dependent on me..what should i do??please suggest ....i dont know where she is...she is 25 year old , my life is going to be hell ...i have only 3 year in my job.....totally frustreted ..please suggest what they can????? and what i can to bring back my wife ??their parrents told their reletives that she will give statemnet against me.......it is not possible .....please help in this regards