I am going to apply a mutual divorce petition as agreed by my wife. No criminal cases were filed.
It has been agreed between myself and in-laws, that I will give XX lakhs after getting a divorce decree through mutual consent without any pending civil or criminal litigation but they are wanting a bank gaurantee for the same.
I talked to few banks and they are ready to give me such bank guarantee against Fixed Deposits of same amount.
Can I have a conditional bank guarantee as below:
(1) Husband is liable to pay XX lacks to wife is she submits below documents to husband:
- divorce decree through mutual consent without any pending criminal or civil litigations.
- bank gurantee in original
(2) If husband defaults then wife can invoke this BG by submitting below documents to bank:
- divorce decree through mutual consent without any pending criminal or civil litigations.
- bank gurantee in original.
My concern is that my cheater wife can reach bank to invoke BG with fraudulant documents (fake/forged divorce decree) without cooperating me in divorce process to encash money.
Will bank check the authenticity of divorce decree through court provided by wife or will encash that BG just by having a casual look at those forged documents???
Please reply how to safegaurd myself for this potential fraud ??
Can one make conditional BG in which bank, is husband defaults, then bank is liable to cross check divorce papers from court before encahing the money to wife????
Please suggest.