Please clarify following is correct guidance to me or not:
1.Spouse put cruelty petition (merit/demerit keeping aside for this question)
2. Mediation they offered MCD
3. Based on condition that all allegations will be withdrawn from initial petition I agreed
4. Statement was made in final agreement that all allegations are taken back and couple taking divorce on basis of living separately for 1yr. Same was given to mediation judgde - he rejected saying if allegations are withdrawn then what is basis.
5. So allegations para was removed, but 1yr separation basis was retained.
6. Passed by judge
Now my questions:
1. What has happened to the initial cruelty petition, does it remain in records under the case number forever, implying that on that basis, further settlement was reached
2. Does initial petition become invalid?(MY LAWYER AND MEDIATOR TOLD THIS IS AUTOMATICALLY INVALID AS NOTHING IS PROVEN) / I dont have any written document saying withdrawn by spouse or invalid by court
3. Should I have insisted to formally withdraw first case and opened new case for basis of divorce on 1yr separation
Please guide.