You have not answered one important question:
"2. What is the time interval between the filing of the DV case and your separation. If it is more than 1 year, you can get your case thrown out."
3. What are the allegations in the DV petition?
Whether you have to go to Session or High Court, depends on where the case was filed. If in Family Court, I think appeal goes to High Court. If from Magistrate, appeal goes to Session. If from any other Court, you have to check and ask as some states do not have Family Courts.
"Paper evidence" is not evidence by itself. I mean you have to be very careful about what you call as evidence. It must be in original and must be presented to her during her cross-examination and marked as an Exhibit to be accepted as evidence. Otherwise, the Judge may not consider it at all. If you have not done so, then depending on the stage of your case, you will have to file an application to cross the witness again.
If she has filed false cases against you and nothing was proved against you, that constitutes a basis for cruelty against you and you can file for divorce on that ground alone.
General words of advise:
1. Plan a strategy in writing and do not do something in haste. After you have a plan, execute the plan, step-by-step, like a business plan, altering it along the way, if required.
2. List all the evidence you have or will have and plan to get it.
3. Hire a private detective, if you can afford one, and get his statement about where she goes for work, etc. The private detective must be licensed. Ask him, as condition for his services, that he will have to give an affidavit and appear in Court. Pay him in installments so that he does not back out at the last minute.
4. Do a LOT of reading on applicable laws (depending on your religion, laws may be different. I am only familiar with Hindu Laws but DV applies to all, uniformly).
5. File an application with the Court, in writing, asking for time to respond. If he rejects it, appeal it. This buys you time... -:)
6. Be very careful about hiring the right advocate. Do not pay him a lot upfront. Pay as you go along. If you find anything suspicious about him, do not hesitate to terminate his services. Never given him originals of any of your documents, filings, etc. Always, let him keep copies only.
7. Have a BINDAAS attitude otherwise the stress will kill you. Show her too that you really do not give a damn about the proceedings however in Court be very very serious.
8. Make an outrageous offer of settlement (like she has to pay you 25% of her salary every month for mutual consent divorce) so she knows that you are planning to fight her tooth-and-nail. Make this offer orally through her lawyer.