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Rakesh Mehata (sw engg)     26 September 2012

Urgent help needed : translation of audio evidence


A false 498a case has been lodged on me and I have some audio evidences to counter the same. However, they are in regional language.

What needs to be done so that the court can accept it as valid evidence ?

1. Transcribing the audio proof to documents ? Who is authorized to do so , and where can I find them in Hyderabad ?

2. Translating the audio proof to English recordings? Again, where can I find some one to do the same in Hyderabad ?





 2 Replies

Rakesh Mehata (sw engg)     27 September 2012

Can any one please help ? I need this to be done urgently.



Alapati Prasad (Engineer-Business-Lawyer)     27 September 2012

Kindly contact Advocate Ponaka Janardhan Reddy in contact no.9985133699.  Keep the original recorder with u safely and then copy it to CD and got done the translation in English. If it is phone call record try to collect the telephone bill or cell phone bill and keep it with u for further evidence.

Alapati Prasad

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