A nd B was real brother. A has a daughter D nd B was issueless. after the death of A, his property inheritated by his real brother B. ND B executed a registered will in favour of his niece D.but one person took illegal possesion of tht property since 30 yrs.nd he propunded a fraud will on his name.therafter D filled a case of possesion on tht pperson nd won.but during pendancy of case D nd her 2 sons given a power of attorney to a person (commission agent) to fight the case.D was illetrate so she given a thumb impression to a blank paper.when d won the case in hn"ble high court then after tht commision agent made a fraudulent regestred sale deed with sign of two witness on tht paper on which D given his thumb impression as a power of attorney.Agreement of sale deed was executed on yr 1998 nd d won the case from high court in 2009.commision agent also mentioned in the sale deed tht after the death of D her heirs r execute sale deed on the name of commision agent.now D died nd tht commision agent filled a case of permanent injuntion nd threating the heirs of D to execute the sale deed in favour of commision agent.and he also got temprary injuntion.now apeal is pending before session judge to set aside the temprary injuntion.
now tell me how i can set aside the stay.
someone told me there is case of supreme court in which mention tht a lower court can not give stay against a true owner.
any supreme court judgment which can help in this case???