Hello, I need urgent suggestion. I am going through divorce case since last 5 years in MP. The decision from the lower court was against me i.e no ground for divorce so I put up the case in High Court indore. In HC my wife has produced false affidavit that I earn RS. 1.5 lacs per month and the judge has grant Rs. 30000/month as maintenance. We have requested the rejoiner and review of the case along with Section 193 against her in the month of Feb 2014. Simultaneously I am paying Rs. 10000/month as maintenance to her as ordered by Lower court.
Now in Dec 2015 judge was not ready for our request of review and rejoinder and asked me to pay Rs. 30000 since Sept 2014 and Rs. 50000 as litigation charges of the advocate. I am not getting what to do.
I don’t have money and taking loan from the bank and depositing in HC under protest stating that the money can be utlised after final decision on maintenence. Is this OK.. as I have to deposit the money before 26 Jan 2016.
Please suggest what should I do. I have NOT been charged for dowry or domestic violence etc.
Please let me know in case of more details required.