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BattleBegins (s)     26 December 2016

Use of pan card to get husband income sources


My wife filed both DV and crpc 125. Still i didn't got summance from the court for hearing. I am working from home but have good income and all through online. Every income recorded via PAN card. I have also big amount LIC on my name and as well PPF.  Now my question is Can judge pass an order to get all income source by using my PAN card details. ?  And what other things her lawyer can use against me to get big maintenance amount ?


Thank you.


 17 Replies

G.L.N. Prasad (Retired employee.)     26 December 2016

The court can order for disclosure of entire finance details, if such an application was made by other party in the interest of justice and equity.

BattleBegins (s)     26 December 2016

what are the ways to save it ?  This way, b*tch wife can get huge amount from hard earned money. 

Dinesh (advocate)     26 December 2016

One thing for sure. If she goes to court with your lT statement there is no escape for you. She can't ask for big chunk of your income. She can ask money for her living. Usually courts order 2000 or 3000 towards maintenance. Even that can be challenged in higher court by both of you.

Dinesh (advocate)     26 December 2016

One thing for sure. If she goes to court with your lT statement there is no escape for you. She can't ask for big chunk of your income. She can ask money for her living. Usually courts order 2000 or 3000 towards maintenance. Even that can be challenged in higher court by both of you.

Dinesh (advocate)     26 December 2016

One thing for sure. If she goes to court with your lT statement there is no escape for you. She can't ask for big chunk of your income. She can ask money for her living. Usually courts order 2000 or 3000 towards maintenance. Even that can be challenged in higher court by both of you.

Dinesh (advocate)     26 December 2016

One thing for sure. If she goes to court with your lT statement there is no escape for you. She can't ask for big chunk of your income. She can ask money for her living. Usually courts order 2000 or 3000 towards maintenance. Even that can be challenged in higher court by both of you.

BattleBegins (s)     26 December 2016

If i show that i am doing job and salary certificate from company than also court can pass order to get all details using my PAN card ?

Sachin (N.A)     26 December 2016

Court will not give this type of orders.



Sachin (N.A)     26 December 2016

It is duty of opposite party to get the evidence.



G.L.N. Prasad (Retired employee.)     26 December 2016

The opposite party can either provide bare details or cross examine the issues as they wish.  But if they provide details and file application to court for getting such information, Court obliges as there is nothing to reject a bonafide request.  There are umpteen instances wherein court sought such particulars through IT Assessment orders.

Originally posted by : BattleBegins

My wife filed both DV and crpc 125. Still i didn't got summance from the court for hearing. I am working from home but have good income and all through online. Every income recorded via PAN card. I have also big amount LIC on my name and as well PPF.  Now my question is Can judge pass an order to get all income source by using my PAN card details. ?  And what other things her lawyer can use against me to get big maintenance amount ?


Thank you.


IF you are working and have source of income, pay wife alimony it is your dharma to give maintenance to your wife according to Hindu Law and Hindu dharma.  Yes court can find details of your income via PAN card.  If you have hid your job details, court will order more alimony than otherwise a lesser alimony if you had divulged details about your income and expenditure.

Vivek H Bedarker (A)     27 December 2016

What is the problem? If it is your legal income then of course court can access details. What kind of question is this?

whatnot   27 December 2016

Since you can spend money and decide not to share the spoils with your wife and no summons have been recieved, time to cover up and save a$$.


First things to do is hire a good chartered accountant and see if a corporate enitty can be established under him and you as a employee or director share...blah..blah..may loop holes.

Then advise your principal of changes and start directing fund to this enitity..


Draw minimum salary and with financial year coming to end. File new income tax based on current salary.


Then sit back. Relax. Have a beer and enjoy the show.


Money spent creatively will give little hope if she is really a b!tch.


But be fair and she is your wife. Don't descriminate her based on few sour incidents.



BattleBegins (s)     27 December 2016

Thanks to everyone for their suggestions. Yes its my wife but she didn't keep any thing between us as husband and wife. If she really loves than she didn't filed all these case just after 5 months of marriage. Tomorrow is our marriage anniversary, what a memorable celebration for someone !!

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