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Vacant land tax

Beloved Gurus,

Wish  you all Happy Independece Day.    I need a clarification on the vacant land tax.  I have a extent of 2050 sq.ft residential land in Municipal area in Tamil Nadu. I purchased this land in year 1996 and the same it is registerred in my name.  It is vacant land since 1996.   I did not pay any vacant land tax to municipal authorities as such no body questionned me.

Could you please clarify how to calculate the vacant land tax ( what is rate for municipality) and whom i should contact to know about the tax payment.

Your kind clarification will be apprecaited.







 2 Replies

surjit singh (Assistant)     15 August 2012

In other states the Assessment Officer of the municiapility assess the house or the building standing on it, the left out land is the vacant land, on this a tax applicable in that particular state are calculated. Note that the whole land will not be includied while calculating vacant land tax, the portion on which the house stands will be left out.

iyyappan (SE)     19 August 2014

Dear sir/madam,


I have purchased a DTCP approval plot in tirunelveli to build house.

should i have to pay any vacant land tax.. ?


If so, actually what  does it mean.. ?

and what are the problems  if i don't pay vacant land tax. ?

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