Can Vakaltnamas be made and signed and sent by email / scans/ fax to the court as a proof of a stand taken or a writtenstatement or a point to be proven in an Indian court of law?
Anup bhatia (service) 06 November 2010
Can Vakaltnamas be made and signed and sent by email / scans/ fax to the court as a proof of a stand taken or a writtenstatement or a point to be proven in an Indian court of law?
adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (practicing advocate) 07 November 2010
No. You should be present before the advocate to sign on the vakalat because advocates wil have to certifiy that so and so is signed before me.
Arun Shankar (Director) 07 November 2010
Theoretically yes, as under the IT Act, any document that is required to be in writing can be submitted as an electronic document also, provided,
1. you have digital signature, duly issued by a certifying Authority in India
2. your advocate has digital signature, duly issued by a certifying Authority in India and
3. you have the valkalathnama in digitally signable format.
But practically, it may not be feasible in the near future!