pankaj kapoor 17 January 2017
Sachin (N.A) 17 January 2017
There is no need to file vakalatnama to get the certified copy,
Mukesh sharma (job ) 17 January 2017
Hi Pankaj vakalatnaam not need to get ceritfied copy of you case its use only when you hire some lawyer than you need to give vakalatnaama in court thats show name of lawyer mention in vakalatnaama or give by them you hire them for your case
Zoheb Khatri (Practicing in Mumbai 18 January 2017
File application before concern court requesting certify copy of documents you need.
shaik.satharbibi (lawyer) 22 January 2017
yes ,you get certify copy of documents
sai narayana 23 January 2017
In your application for certified copy, your signature should be attested by any one of that court area's advocate or notary, that's enough.