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Milan Jain (Service)     11 July 2016

Variable pay not paid

Hello Everyone, We have many incidents wherein Employee has not been paid the Variable Pay because as per the policy the employee has to be in the company while payment of the incentive.. Do we have any one who after regular follow up or takeing the matter legally got their  variable pay from the Company ??

Please reply as there are many who are looking for a concrete solutions to this issue .


Thanking Everyone reading this question in anticipation.

 5 Replies

Kumar Doab (FIN)     11 July 2016

There are many threads on such queries at LCI that yu can search in Search option on bottom of Right hand side of this web page.


Perfromance Pay/incentives are fruit of labor like wages and has to be paid.

Milan Jain (Service)     20 September 2016

Dear Sir,

Please guide me in this issue as to How to deal with this situation. 

Key Points :

  1. I have worked in a reputed Telecom Organization for 4.33 years and have left the Company in April 2016 giving Full notice period 
  2. I completed my Performance Appraisal for 2015-2016 in the month of the March , for which the Final Rating are announced in June .
  3. My Salary Component has a Variable Pay which is linked to my Performance out of which 70% is paid monthly in the Salary Component and remaining 30% is paid in June depending on the Company's and Shared Service Center Final Performance. This is paid in June for 2015-2016

As i have left the company in April 2016, and I had received my F&F in the month of June 2016, the compnay has not paid me the variable pay as it says that the Condition of receiving  the remianing 30% Variable Pay is that the Employee should be a part of the Organization at the time of Payment of the variable pay.


  1. Having Completed the the Performance Cycle and The Performance Appraisal Cycle, am I not eligible for the remianing 30% Variable pay
  2. I have received my F&F amount in my account in 13 June 2016, so almost in the month Variable pay would be paid to other at the end
  3. Still the company says NO, i cant receive the variable pay even though I had already received the 70% of it.

Please gude me on this matter , as how should this be taken forwarded to claim the variabl pay amount?


Thanking everyone in anticipation of a positive respone


Kumar Doab (FIN)     20 September 2016

"the compnay has not paid me the variable pay as it says that the Condition of receiving  the remianing 30% Variable Pay is that the Employee should be a part of the Organization at the time of Payment of the variable pay."


Has this condition, ever been made known to you?

If yes; how and when?

Your own assessment is correct.

Did you search for other threads? Other threads can provide you cues, pointers, recourses,citations, references etc etc....!



Milan Jain (Service)     05 October 2016

The HR Presentations for Varibale Pay and the Document on Variable pay says that " the Condition of receiving  the remianing 30% Variable Pay is that the Employee should be a part of the Organization at the time of Payment of the variable pay". This Presentation was circulated  to all the employees once in a year during the time of annual appraisal

Kumar Doab (FIN)     05 October 2016

Perfromance Pay/incentives are fruit of labor like wages and has to be paid.

Press that the condition is bad.

Ask to pay full for full performance period and prorated for rest.



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